I'm sorry, Coco.

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I somehow managed to drag myself into work this morning. Ava was surprised that I was back at her house so early, but we stayed up late talking. I was heartbroken when Elliot didn't recognize me. I know we've grown up a lot since I last saw him, but I recognized him instantly. He also recognized Ava. Why not me? Though Ava did point out that she was eighteen when she last saw Elliot and she hasn't changed that much since then. Plus, it's not that far fetched for her to be at the bakery which would make it easier for him to recognize her. It makes sense, but it still hurts and the whole thing was a shock to my system.

Liz brings out a fresh batch of cupcakes and I begin placing them in the display case. I drop one on the ground. "Fuck," I mumble. I am completely out of it today. I hear the door open as I clean up the mess. "One moment," I call to the guest. I jump up with a destroyed cupcake in my hands and stare into Elliot's shocked face.

"It was you," he says. "Holy shit. Cora!"

My cheeks heat up. "Hi, Elliot." I nervously walk to the trash and dispose of the cupcake. I wash my hands, taking a deep breath before I turn to face him.

I watch as he rounds the counter and gathers me into a hug. "I can't believe it's really you. It bothered me all night. I felt like you looked familiar but... I guess you didn't recognize me either then," he chuckles. My body is tense in his embrace, but I can't help taking a big breath. He smells really good. He's tall too. He has to be taller than his dad. What's with all these muscles? Nobody should have this many muscles.

I blush again. "I knew it was you," I say as I pull away from him. We're not just going to stand here hugging like that.

I watch confusion cross his face. "Why didn't you say anything then?"

I don't know how to answer that. How do I explain that he hurt me when we were kids? I don't want to bring that up. "Umm. When it was clear you didn't recognize me, I was embarrassed." Good save, right? Not completely a lie either. "Anyway, I watched you play last night. You were really good."

"Thanks. I guess you go to the University of Glasgow too? What are the chances we'd pick the same college?"

I shake my head. "No. I'm not going to college." He looks at me with confusion again. Please leave me alone. Is there a chance he'll just walk out the door now?

"That's not the Cora I know."

"Well the Cora you knew doesn't exist anymore. She died awhile ago." I grab the washcloth and begin wiping down tables. I need to do something instead of focus on him.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"It just means we were kids. I'm completely different now."

His eyes look me up and down. "It's pretty damn clear you're not a kid anymore. You grew up, Coco." I almost smile with the nickname but this whole thing is embarrassing so I turn away and continue wiping tables. "If you don't go to college, how'd you end up at the party?"

I point to the poster on the bulletin board. "Oh. Did Ava tell you? Wait, did you come just to watch me?"

"No!" I answer in a tone that is way too high pitched.

He smirks at me with amusement. "You're lying. I know you too well. I can tell you're lying."

"You don't know me, Eli. You use to know me. There's a difference."

"Alright. Well, what time do you get off? Let's catch up."

Holy shit! Butterflies shoot off in my stomach but my mind reminds me it's not a good idea. "Late."

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