Real Life Dream

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Elliot is standing here with twinkling lights surrounding him. He looks so handsome in a black tuxedo. My heart skips to see him with his gorgeous dimpled smile just beaming at me. "You are stunning," he says as he looks at me with awe. He reaches out his hand and I take it.

"Thank you. Happy anniversary," I say with a smile. This is truly amazing. Butterflies are fluttering around my chest again.

"Huh?" Now I'm confused because he's looking at me with such confusion.

"I thought... I thought all of this was because of our anniversary. I mean, I figured it was a little early. I can't remember the actual date but..."

"Oh," he chuckles. "I didn't even think of that. I'd have to sit down to figure out that date too. Well happy anniversary then." He leans in and gives me a small kiss.

"Oh. What's all this about then, if not that?"

"I have a surprise for you?" He squeezes my hand and walks me further into the forest, towards our tree. I'm in shock at all the twinkling lights. I have no idea how he accomplished all this by himself. I feel like I'm walking deep into the forest into some magical fairy world. "Oh wait. Hold on." Elliot reaches in his pocket and pulls out his phone. Within seconds, I hear violin music filling the quietness.

"Elliot..." I'm too overwhelmed for words right now. I have never experienced something so romantic before. This surpasses our holiday date and I thought that was everything.

"Come on." He squeezes my hand and we finish the short walk to our hidden tree.

I gasp and my hand flies to my chest as I take everything in. There is a huge picture of the Eiffel Tower hanging from the branches of our tree. It's so large that I have to look up at it. It's taken during a gorgeous sunset. It's not just a picture though. It shimmers and sparkles in the twinkling lights. Three dimensional flowers adorn the lower edges. I almost feel as if I'm standing in Paris. I finally pull my eyes away from the beautiful picture and take everything else in. In addition to the fairy lights and music, there is a white linen table decorated as if we'd be at a fancy restaurant. There's a serving cart nearby with covered dishes. There are bouquets of gorgeous roses everywhere. I'm speechless. This is gorgeous and Elliot did all of this for me.

I turn to look at him but he's no longer standing next to me. I scan around to see him standing right next to the Eiffel Tower picture. He motions me over and I walk towards him. I almost feel like I'm floating instead. This whole thing is so magical. Is it really a dream somehow?

"What is all this?" I mumble in awe as I look around us again. When my eyes meet Elliot's there are tears in them. Seeing him emotional like this brings tears to my eyes. I reach up and wipe one off his cheek.

"Cora, we've been together for twenty-two years. Even during the times we were apart, we really weren't. Our hearts have always been connected. If there is anything that loving you has taught me, it's that I need you in my life. Every second of every day; I need you. All the good and bad; I need you. I need you, Cora. Always." My heart is pounding and screaming at me that this is an engagement. My brain is telling me I'm stupid. We're only twenty-two and I already told him we were too young. This is nothing more than a romantic speech during a romantic night. My heart is telling my brain she's an idiot and the man we love is giving me my dream proposal. I watch in shock and disbelief as he goes down on one knee. Another tear drops from his eye as he stares up at me with so much love. My body is trembling and my heart skips a million beats. "Cora Abigail McKenzie, the love of my entire life, will you marry me?"

I can't get the words out. Tears fall from my eyes as I nod my head yes. Eli's face lights up with joy as he jumps up and pulls me into his arms. I'm shaking and crying against his chest. I can't believe this. I can't believe he did all this for me. I can't believe he's my fiancé. He raises my chin so I look up at him. "I love you so much. You've made..." I don't let him finish. I attack his lips. I need to kiss him this very instant. I can't find my voice so I need to show him how I feel instead.

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