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I open my eyes to sunlight filtering into the room. Instantly, I realize Cora isn't in bed and her spot feels cold. I glance over and Ruthie is still fast asleep. I listen to the silence and don't hear her. I quietly get up and walk through the apartment. The main room is empty. I have a feeling she's not in there, but I check the bathroom anyways. She's not there. I grab my phone, which I left on the kitchen table to text her. There, laying next to it, is a note.

- Went to the library to finish my homework. Have a good day. XO

I frown at the note. Why didn't she wake me up? I was hoping to grab breakfast together. Not surprising she'd want to get her homework done though. Knowing her, she probably didn't sleep, worried about it. I quickly grab my stuff to head home. When I walk outside, it's a beautiful fall day. It's been really chilly lately, but not today. The morning air is crisp but there's a heat in the sun. If Cora wasn't gone, I would have suggested breakfast and a walk this morning.

I walk down the stairs and frown as I notice her parking spot empty. She didn't go to the library. She lives two blocks from the university. She never drives there. Even when it rains, she just carries an umbrella. Unease settles in my chest. Where is she? Why did she lie? I forget about breakfast and finishing my own homework. I begin walking towards the library. I need to make sure she's there. I need to make sure she's ok. I don't like this feeling. Flashes of her disappearing keep attacking me and I struggle to calm my rising panic. I have no reason to panic just yet, right? Something doesn't feel right though. My gut says something's wrong.

I grab my phone and send her a text.

- Missed you this morning. Dinner tonight?

She doesn't respond and I pick up the pace, sprinting instead. I'm not at all surprised when I reach the library and she isn't here. Shit. Now I'm in a full blown panic. What do I do though?


"Calm down. It'll be alright." I reach across the table and take Lindsey's shaking hand. She looks so nervous and uncomfortable being here. I have no idea what's making her act like this but it's freaking me out. My phone goes off and I glance down to see a text from Elliot. I ignore it and continue studying the scared woman in front of me. She doesn't look the same as she did two years ago. She looks... tired. "Look. Here's our order."

I lean back as the waitress sits two hot cups of tea on the table with scones. Lindsey continues to shake as she grips her cup. It rattles against the glass saucer creating a jarring sound. "You can answer that?" She mumbles, glancing at my phone. I need to. I'm sure he didn't like me disappearing this morning. I didn't know how else to get away from him though. He'd freak out if he knew I was with Lindsey. I don't want to keep this from him but I don't know what to do. I can't let this hurt us. I feel like my past is reliving itself and I refuse to let this be an issue.

- Missed you this morning. Dinner tonight?

- You looked all cute and comfy. I didn't want to wake you. Dinner is perfect. 6?

He texts back instantly.

- Yeah. I was thinking of coming to the library to finish my homework too.

My heart jumps in my throat as my brain scrambles to figure this out. Shit.

- Go ahead, but I'm just finishing up.

- Perfect. Let's grab breakfast then or go for a walk. It's so nice out.


- You mister are procrastinating. Go do your homework.

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