To the Moon

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I wanted to do something extra special for Elliot's birthday. He went above and beyond with our holiday date. I didn't think I'd be able to come up with something even comparable to it. I fretted and stressed. I even asked my dad for suggestions. He's the king of over the top things like this and he gave me the perfect idea.

**** Flashback.

"Hey," I wave to mom and dad over video chat.

"How's my baby girl?" Dad asks.

"Good, but stressed. Elliot's birthday is this weekend and I'm clueless on what to do for him."

"Just keep it simple," mom says. "It doesn't have to be something crazy and over the top." Dad grins at her and we all know he would never follow that advice.

"I get that," I say, "but Elliot went over the top for our London date at the beginning of summer."

"I remember," mom smiles. "He asked to borrow Halloween decorations."

"What? Why?" Dad asks and his face is so funny that I laugh. "I know nothing about this."

"It was so sweet. We celebrated all the holidays we missed together while I was gone."

My dad's face turns all mushy with emotions and he gives me a soft smile. "I don't think I could have picked a better boy to date my Cora." My smile grows huge. I'm going to need to tell Elliot he said that.

"I agree, but how do I top that? I want to do something big too. It needs to be special."

"Hmm." Dads face is scrunched up as he thinks. "Cook him dinner. I mean boys really just like food, booze, and...... yeah just food and booze." Mom glances at him with a giggle. Oh god. Was he thinking about sex?! "You could go over the top with like a hot air balloon ride. Oh! Scavenger hunt's are always fun and special. Remember when I kind of did that for you for our first anniversary?" He looks at mom with so much love and she just beams back at him.

"I'll never forget." They kiss and like always, my heart melts.

"Puke. You guys are so cute."

"Honestly, if you want special, you have to think of something special between you guys. A special place or activity. A memory. An inside joke. Something that's unique to you both. That's my suggestion," dad says.

He's right. I need something uniquely special to us. What though? A memory hits me. "I want to go to the moon," I say quietly.

"To the moon?" Dad's brows furrow. "You're not talking about sex, right? I know I like the kid now and I let you guys suck face, but I'm drawing the line with sex."

"No! It's something Elliot wanted for his birthday when he was nine. He wanted to go to the moon. I have a brilliant idea. It's stupid, but it'll be fun. Thanks! Gotta go."

"Wait! Aren't you going to tell us?"

"No time. I'll send pics later." I quickly disconnect the video chat. His birthday is less than a week. I have a lot to do.

End of Flashback. ****

"Ready yet?" I apprehensively ask Elliot. I'm nervous for so many different reasons. One, I want him to be excited about this. Two, I need everything to go off perfectly. Three, I'm actually really scared of this and I kind of want to get it over with.

"Sure thing." He walks from his room and pecks my cheek.

"You sure you guys don't want to go out instead?" Tucker asks. "I think this is the first year we haven't all done something for your birthday."

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