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BOOK 3 Is Finished!

Book 3 - Searching for Myself

Here's a little sneak peek...

I drop the tangled ball of Christmas lights at my feet and look back and forth between the young couple standing before me. This is making me uneasy, only in its awkwardness. Why are they staring at me like this? I'm just trying to get these Christmas lights up for Cora. She warned me that I needed to take the time and actually store them correctly. Like always, she was right. I now have a tangled mess on my hands and it's taking longer than it should. The lights make her happy though, so I suffer through it. If only I could get back to this. Bobby and Jessa are coming for dinner and I need to be finished before then. The last thing I need is Bobby's comedic commentary as he watches me do this. Maybe I should just buy new ones. That would save me my sanity.

There's the issue of the mystery couple standing in my front yard though. Why do they both look so nervous? They seem nice enough, but I get the impression they're both about to jump out of their skin. Again, it warrants the question, what the hell are they doing here? "I...well... I'm yours... You're my father."

"What? I don't..." I chuckle at the absurdity of it all but I get a rolling of emotions in my gut.

"I was born August..."

Holy Shit! A weird sensation I've never felt before, rolls through my body. "Twelfth," I whisper in disbelief. Holy Shit!

"In New York. I have a note."

"Holy shit! It's you?" After all these years. I never really thought this day would come. I never thought... Wow.

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