Ava's Back

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The sun is just beginning to set as I walk home after an exhausting day at the Scotland bakery. My dad is suppose to be buying me a car to use here because he doesn't want me walking to and from the bakery. He claims it's not safe. Whatever. He worries too much but I'm not going to turn down a car.

I can't believe I've been here a week already. Time is surprisingly flying by. I thought it would creep slow since I have nothing to do but work and be with grandma. Ava's coming home today though and I can't wait to see her. Ava is my dad's best friend's daughter. She's twenty-six and the coolest person I know. She's been in France for two weeks and I'm so jealous. I've always dreamed of visiting France. It seems so romantic and I have vivid fantasies of what it could be like. Ava is a renown landscape photographer. She travels the world, shooting amazing photographs. She's living her dream. I can't ignore my jealousy. She gets to live her dream and I'm stuck here with my life on pause. I shake the thought away. Negative thinking...

The sound of a horn blaring behind me, startles me from my thoughts. "Get in, bitch!"

"Ava!" I scream in surprise as I run to the car. I jump in and she immediately pulls me into a hug. When she pulls away, I can read the worry in her eyes and I cringe. I'm tired of people looking at me like I'm a fragile flower petal waiting to break.

"So how are you doing?" She asks as she begins driving down the road.

"I'm good."

I see her glance my direction. "How are you really doing?" No surprise that she wouldn't believe me.

"I'm fine. Seriously." I nervously fiddle with my bracelets. I hate talking about this. Sometimes it feels like the only thing people want to do is interrogate me.

"Cora, please promise you'll let me know if you need me. I'll never be too busy for you. I can't stand the thought of you hurting that much. I'm always here for you. No matter what. We may not be blood related but you'll always be my sister." I smile at her. Ava's mom tried to pawn Ava off as my dad's kid before it came out that she was actually Junno's. We still grew up close and she is like another sister to me.

"I know. Well, I know that now anyway. I'm honestly just trying to put it all behind me. That's why I'm here. I needed to get away from my classmates who know what happened. It just... it just really messed me up and I feel like I'm lost now."

Ava grabs my hand and squeezes as I begin to cry. "I'm sorry," she says. "I wish you would have told me what was happening. I would have kicked some ass."

"I didn't want anyone to know. I even kept it from Oliver the best I could. He had a front row seat though and I made him swear he'd stay out of it. I thought I could handle it on my own." I angrily wipe my tears and take a ragged breath. I'm tired of this controlling my emotions.

"Cora, one good thing about having family is that we're always around to help."

"I know. I'm excited you're home now. As much as I love Grandma, it'll be nice to hang out with someone younger."

Ava laughs. "Completely understandable. How about shopping tomorrow?"

That's the last thing I want to do. "Sure," I say instead. If Ava wants to shop, I'll force myself to have fun.

"Yay! I promised my dad I'd be back for dinner tonight, but I'm all yours tomorrow. What time do you get off?"

"Tomorrow's my early day. I'll help with the morning baking, so I get to leave after the morning rush."

"Perfect. We'll grab lunch then I'm taking you on a shopping spree. My treat."

"Dad makes sure my account's full. You don't have to do that."

"Nonsense. I want to. This is my way of forcing you to buy clothes I know you wouldn't."

"Oh great. I see how this is going to go," I laugh at her. Ava is a fashionista, just like Aria and Faye. I use to be interested in it too, but I don't ever feel like it looks good on me. Why waste the money then? "See you tomorrow," I say to Ava as I jump out the door at my grandma's house. I am really happy she's home. Maybe Scotland will be a little more exciting now.

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