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There are a lot of things my dad does that impresses me. When he's in intimidating business mode, like he is right now, I'm just blown away. It's surprising to see him switch so effortlessly between funny, down to earth guy, to intimidating, don't fuck with me, man.

The reporter that visited my apartment yesterday, Mr. Swigler, is sitting in front of my dad. He looks scared. When he first walked in the room, he was excited to see us all here. He thought he was getting his huge break but now that's clearly not happening.

Gary and Elliot are standing in front of the office door, with their arms crossed over their chests. They look the roll of intimidating bodyguards. It doesn't look like either of them would hesitate to punch the reporter. Mr. Swigler keeps nervously glancing at them. My mom and I are sitting in the corner behind him. They weren't going to let me be in here, but I really wanted to.

Dad, is standing up, with his fists on his desk, leaning over and staring down the reporter. "Mr. Swigler," he says the name with distaste, "your sources are faulty and will not hold up if others check. Think how that'll ruin your reputation. A reporter is nothing without his good name."

"You're bluffing, Mr. McKenzie," he responds but he doesn't sound very confident. "I know my sources and I trust them."

Dad chuckles. It's not a friendly laugh but one that's all judgement. He's mocking the man. "Oh I know your sources too. Lindsey McKenzie is a drug addict that sold you a fictional story to pay her gambling debt, that she racked up to pay for drugs. She has a vendetta against my family. Always has. I'm sure your research made you aware of what she did to my wife?" The reporter doesn't answer but fidgets nervously. "Hardly a credible source. Plus, she's back in prison for breaking her parole agreement for the second time." Lindsey's back in jail? Its not really surprising, but why hasn't anyone told me this? I instantly feel safer knowing she can't hurt me anymore.

"I will not be intimidated, Mr. McKenzie. I still have..."

"Mr. Bass? The same private investigator that I employed? Yes, I know. Mr. Bass and I signed a legal document," dad says as he starts casually strolling around the room. "This contract prohibits Mr. Bass from talking about that case to anyone." Dad stops walking and turns back to him. "He already broke that contract and has been dealt with. Like you, he too cares about his reputation. High paying clients will not seek his services if they know he can't be trusted. He won't be talking to you about my family, Mr. Swigler. He'll be in breach of contract for the second time. He'll then be sued and lose his livelihood. Now you seem like a smart man, Mr. Swigler. Do you think Mr. Bass is going to work with you?" Silence... "I didn't think so." Dad picks up an envelope and slides it across his desk towards the fidgeting man. He sits down in his office chair and studies him with his fingers steepled. "Now I think you'll be more than happy with the contents of that envelope. That's to reimburse you for your time and to ensure you don't talk about this ever again."

Mr. Swigler just sits there silently. I'm sure he's analyzing everything, trying to find a way to save this. There's no way. Dad's right. His sources are not reliable. Dad would end up ruining the reporter's credibility if this story goes to print. He finally reaches for the envelope and peeks in it. I wish I could see his face to know how he's reacting. I wish I knew how much dad was giving him. I hear a loud gulp coming from him. "This should suffice."

"Excellent," dad says. "Then I'm going to need you to sign this document that my lawyer drew up. You'll never breathe another word about this, Mr. Swigler." I can see his pen trembling as he signs the papers.

He collects his stuff and stands up. "Well, I'd say this has been a pleasure, but it really hasn't."

"Likewise," dad responds. "You can get off my property now."

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