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The sun is rising on the horizon when another car pulls into the parking lot. Tucker and I are both exhausted. I called him last night and he's been keeping me company and doing snack errands. This has been the longest night ever, if you don't count the early days after she disappeared or her suicide attempt. Obviously it doesn't compare to those horrible nights. Still, I know I'm standing on a ledge in my relationship. Either everything is going to be ok or she's never going to forgive me. I'm nervous and unsettled.

"Jessa's with him," Tucker breaks the silence. Shit. Of course she is. I feel like I need to tell Bobby without her around. I'm sure she's a bit more traumatized by Lindsey than he is.

I step out of the car and they both quickly make their way over to me. They look scared to death. Maybe I should have told him over the phone instead. "Talk to me," Bobby immediately says.

"I think we should talk alone." I glance towards Jessa. He cocks a look at me but it's clear he gets my drift.

He turns to her and rubs her arms. "Lass, why don't you wait in the car with..." his words trail off as he looks at Tucker sitting in my car. He gives me a look and I know what he's asking.

"Tucker's good. He's definitely not Steven."

Bobby nods. "Wait in the car with him while I talk to Elliot." Jessa looks nervously at me. I can tell she doesn't like being left out. I get it. They've had the entire night to stress and worry about all of this. Bobby kisses her before she climbs in the car. I can hear her and Tucker talking. "Talk," Bobby orders.

"Not here. She can't hear."

I walk away with Bobby following. "What the fuck is going on? Where's Cora?"

"Inside. Probably still sleeping." I walk into the apartment building and into the public restroom near the door. It's so early, nobody is in here. I'm not sure anyone ever uses it though.

"Talk." He looks so intimidating standing there with his arms crossed. I don't think he's trying to intimidate me, but to brace himself for whatever I'm going to say. "Elliot! If you don't say something I'm barging into her room right now."

"She didn't tell me, but I know who she's giving the money too. You're not going to like this at all. I saw the notification on her phone."


I hesitate. I'm scared to tell him. I scared of how he'll act and what he'll do. I'm scared of what Cora will think. "It's Lindsey."

You would have thought I just punched him. He exhales sharply and he looks like he's in pain. The man pales so quickly that I take a step towards him, worried he's about to pass out. "Lindsey? My Lindsey?" I nod and he begins shaking his head no. "You've got to be wrong." He paces in silence. I wait here watching him move back and forth. Back and forth. "You're wrong," he says with more confidence. "You said she didn't tell you. A text from some Lindsey doesn't mean it's her."

"It's her," I sigh. "Do you remember when we broke up before she disappeared?"

He nods. "Yeah. I wanted to kick your ass."

"We broke up because she was meeting Lindsey for dinner and I freaked out."

"SHE WHAT?" Now he's dark red with anger. His fists are clinched so tight, I wonder if I'm about to get punched for some reason.

"That was my reaction."

"Why didn't you stop her?"

"I tried. She broke up with me. She hurt me to get her way. I made sure she made it home though because I was terrified for her safety."

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