Date Night

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I have clothes thrown all over my bed and I have no idea what to wear. Elliot was really vague with his plans, but told me I needed to dress up but be comfortable. What's that suppose to mean exactly? Those two words don't go together. Dressy as in a summer sundress or as in a cocktail dress? Maybe a skirt? I chew on my lip with indecision as I study the collection of clothes scattered around. I wish Aria and Faye were here. I grab my phone to video chat Aria. Please answer. I don't know why I'm freaking out, but I am.

"What's up, bitch?"

"I'm desperate for help." She's sitting in a chair having her makeup professionally done. She looks just like mom. "Are you getting ready to go on set?"

"I'm trapped in this chair for a bit longer so I'm all yours."

"My first big date with Elliot is tonight and I don't know what to wear."

"What are you doing?"

"He won't tell me."

"Gah. How do men expect us to dress for something when they won't give us a dress code? Like I appreciate the surprise, but come on."

"He said dressy but comfortable. I'm panicking for some reason."

"So he did give you an idea. Ok. Don't panic. Being over dressed is always better than under."

"Ok, but comfortable too?"

"I guess in case you end up mini golfing or something like that."

"Right. Yeah. Dress up but mini golfing." What the fuck? I glance at my pile of clothes again. I hold up my sundress. "What about this?"

"Oh no. No. No. No. Do you want to remind him of little kid Cora or adult Cora?"

"What? It's sexy on."

"Not the one."

"Alright. What about this dress?" It's a dark orange dress that has a pencil skirt that falls to my shins. The top has a twist knot at my breasts. It shows a hint of skin below the knot and tasteful cleavage above.

"Hmm. Love it, but I'm not sure you could run around in that if needed."

"Now I'm running?" I groan. "What about this pink skirt?" I hold up a high waisted, short, blush colored skirt.

"Oh that's cute. Not dressy enough though."

"Aria," I whine.

"Why are you so stressed out? This is just Elliot. Or, is this a big extra special night?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Maybe," I can't help confessing with a huge smile.

Aria squeals and her makeup artist sasses her for hitting his hand as he's applying eyeliner. "Sorry. Kiss. Kiss," she says to him. "Alright. We definitely need something extra sexy then."

I scan my dresses again. "What about this one? It's pretty simple, but with the right accessories..." I show her an emerald green, spaghetti strapped dress. It's really tight and stops at my thighs. I've never worn it before because the cleavage is a little too much for me, but maybe tonight is a night for extra cleavage.

"I've always thought that was your color. Put it on and let me see." I quickly pull my clothes off and slip into the dress. I grab my phone and hold it up so Aria can see my reflection in my full mirror. "Look at your boobs, girl! What do you think, Marcus?" She asks her makeup artist.

I watch his face appear on screen. I don't know what to do with myself. This is awkward. "Sizzling," he answers as he takes me in. I blush with his compliment. I'm not use to people complimenting me like this.

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