Playing with Fire

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The storm has finally died down to a gentle rainfall. The electricity is still out though and the entire island is basked in darkness. We went around and found a bunch of candles and a few flashlights. The candles are scattered around the living room and we're all sitting here in boredom.

"This sucks," Ruthie whines.

"Nah. It's not so bad," Steven says. "All I need is booze and toilet paper to wipe my ass when I take a shit. Life is good, sweetheart. Enjoy it."

"You are so weird," she says back. "I agree though. We need to get the booze out to help past the time."

"We should play a game too," Steven suggests.

"Oh! I know!" Ruthie jumps up all excited. "Truth or dare!"

"No!" Elliot and I yell at the same time. We briefly lock eyes before we both look away. He's scowling. It's the same face he was making earlier too. My mind flashes to when we played truth or dare in the cabin. I wonder if he's thinking of it too.

"Pussies," Steven says into a cough. I roll my eyes at him.

"OH!" Ruthie screams. "Sylvia! What if we play that game our dorm played freshman year?"

"The tasks one?" Sylvia asks with a huge smile. "Oh this could be really really good."

"Right?!" Ruthie is literally jumping up and down, she's so excited. "We'll up the naughty factor though."

"Well I'm intrigued. What is this game?" Steven asks. "I'm always down for a sexual game."

"I'm not explaining until everyone agrees to play. Once you agree, you can't chicken out. You have to go through with it."

"What if we don't? Nobody can make me do something," Elliot says with that pissed off scowl that I'm starting to think might be permanently plastered on his face.

"We'll just go old school then," Ruthie giggles with a glance at Sylvia.

"We'll shave your head while you're sleeping," Sylvia says with excitement. I can't stop my giggle as I remember the time I did that to Eli. I see him glance at me again before quickly looking away.

"Man! You gals are brutal when you play games," Steven chuckles. "I'm in though. I don't even care if my head is shaved or not like these other pretty boys here. I don't turn down a challenge though, especially a sexual one so it won't get shaved anyway."

"I'm totally game!" Sylvia says.

"Guess I'm in too," Tucker agrees to play. "Though for the record I'm a little freaked out by how excited Ruthie is about this."

"Ross and I are playing," Amber announces as Ross wraps his arm around her shoulders. They look cute snuggling together but I hate watching it right now.

"This is stupid," Elliot mumbles.

I take a deep breath and pretend to be as excited as my friends. "I never turn down a challenge either. I'm definitely in," I smile. Steven high fives me.

"What do you say, Elliot? You're the only one who hasn't agreed."

"I'm not playing a sexual game," he more or less growls.

"Elliot," Ruthie whines. "You have to play. It'll drive me crazy to know you're just sitting here by yourself while we all have fun." Elliot looks at her and his face softens. It almost looks like he feels bad.

"Whatever," he grumbles. "Guess I'm playing too."

"Yay! Here's how it works. So everyone will be given a list of tasks and rules. You have to do them in order and follow exactly what they say. For example, Tucker's might tell him to go outside and whack off for five minutes while Cora's might tell her to sit on the couch and shove a pickle up her vagina."

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