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Jungkook sighed, as he closed the door behind him. He looked at his mobile again. Tae has messaged that he has already reached there. Now they are just waiting for him.

" Where are you going?"

He looked up from the screen at the interruption.

Bambam was seated on the couch looking at him with a puzzled expression.

" And why are you still here?" Jungkook asked confusedly.

Bambam shrugged. " I'm just waiting for them to message me. I'm going, you don't have to worry about it", he mumbled.

 " Kicking me out of my own dorm, seriously?", he huffed. " Good that I got plans for myself".

Jungkook raised his eyebrows, tilting his head. " Why are you complaining when you are going to get to spend time with your boyfriend?"

Bambam just shrugged his shoulders. And that was enough for the ravenette to catch the meaning.

 " You guys fought again?" He chuckled softly.

But instantly regretted it when his roommate glared at him.

" Not my fault that he kept on getting closer with that bitch!!", Bambam frowned annoyed, shaking his head.

" You mean, Minyoung?" Jungkook asked as he walked to the kitchen to grab the keys from the kitchen counter, where he left it.

Bambam nodded, while sighing even though the ravenette was actually not looking his way. And Jungkook actually didn't need the confirmation either. Because he has already heard enough of the story from Bambam ever since they became roommates this year.

Of course, at first he was salty that he had to part with Tae. And he has been acting bitterly with the boy who only did endure the cold treatment without doing anything of the same in return.

" Are you going to your friend's dorm?" Jungkook heard the other asking.

" Yep, everyone is there. I'm already late", he said, looking at his watch frowning slightly.

" They are really lucky to get each other again", Bambam sighed. " Like how is that even possible? Why did they get each other when all the rest got the most annoying roommates?"

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the statement but chose to let it go. The other boy seemed to be really upset. 

" Do you want to get a room with your boyfriend as well?", he asked suddenly.

Bambam turned to him, with a frown. " For what? To make sure that our flights become more frequent?", he scoffed. "No thanks!!"

Jungkook nodded, looking away. " Anyway you would have to look for a new roommate soon", he said shrugging and the other looked at him puzzled.

" I'm going to do something to make Tae my roommate again", he said, casually making the other to turn towards him instantly from where he was sitting.

" Why?" Bambam frowned, his voice slightly rising. 

But he got no response from the other who seemed to be ignoring his question.

Bambam sighed tiredly. He didn't feel like even opposing the other's decision. Because once Jungkook has decided on something there is no way that boy would back down.

Soon he heard the footsteps of the ravenette, approaching the living room and he looked up.

" What if you two are not roommates now," he started. " You two are always together. Right?" 

Jungkook looked at him, with an unamused look. But then he shrugged. " I don't know," he mumbled softly. " I just want him to be by my side always", he said nonchalantly and the other just rolled his eyes.

" Then why did you make him transfer from Business to art?", Bambam asked, not really ready to stop with his non ending array of doubts.  " Otherwise you could have always hung out. Right?"

Jungkook shot him a stern gaze, clearly not very pleased to be questioned too much when he is already running late. 

" He is not interested in business" He decided to answer nonetheless. "So I did what I could to help him to pursue what he is interested in".

" You two are really something", Bambam mumbled softly.

Jungkook looked at him, eyes narrowed. " What did you say?"

" Nothing!!" 

Jungkook nodded, humming softly, taking a seat near the other on the couch as he looked at the watch again. But he knew that he needed to let the other know about this matter beforehand, so that there wouldn't be any opposition when that time comes. .

But not sooner Bambam shot up from where he was laying down, sitting straight on the couch now.

" But then what about me?",He asked, only now realised.

Jungkook showed him a sweet smile.

 " Don't worry, I will make sure that you are not rooming with your boyfriend. Enough?

" Good.." He heard the other mumbling, and he could only frown at the response.

Jungkook turned to the other. " But seriously, you guys need to have a serious conversation", he sighed.

" I don't know", bambam sighed. " It seems like a mess. And I don't even know if I want to continue with him", he leaned back on the couch.

Jungkook sighed standing up. " Okay, then I'll get going!!" He said keeping his gaze fixed on the other, hoping that the other would pick up the meaning.

Bambam groaned loudly, his face painted annoyance.

" God!! Stop it already, Jeon!! I won't be here when you are back from your hang out", he said. " And I no way would try to meddle into your alone time with your baby!!"

Jungkook just rolled his eyes, before stepping out, closing the door behind him.

Bambam sighed softly, leaning back on his seat. " Idiot!! I can't believe it!!" He grumbled. " And still he has the audacity to act so obviously!!"

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