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        Two days have passed after Tae was back from wherever he had run off to. And to say that these days have been hard for the boys would be an understatement. 

       Because it was nothing less than pure torture for those who manages to get stuck in between two stubborn idiots. Well, their saga of getting in between the bickering couple seemed to be never-ending.

           The only one who doesn't seem to be much affected or tired by all this is Jimin. And much to the shock of the rest he has completely forgiven Tae, now following around the boy as if that four days hasn't existed at all. 

      And it was not something that the other four boys could accept.

      And Jungkook, he hasn't been sitting with them on their table for the past two days and  they have no idea what he is up to.

        It's actually getting his hyungs worried, because they couldn't help but think that the whole matter is unfair to him even though he himself has caused this all. 

      But he has some kind of valid reason for rejecting Tae even though he wouldn't tell them what it is. And they have absolutely no idea of what has happened with Tae those four days making it even more complicated.

       They were all feeling bad for the brunette for getting rejected by the younger. He doesn't deserve that.

       But after seeing how nonchalant Tae was acting about the whole situation now, completely ignoring the absence of Jungkook and not even giving them an explanation of what had happened, they were feeling bitter towards the boy.

       And even when knowing there is something that's making Jungkook stay away Tae is not even bothering to do something about it. And they can't even believe that the boy hasn't yet figured out why Jungkook is staying away.

     Jimin knew how displeased the rest were about this. But when it comes to his soulmate, he doesn't care about right or wrong. Whatever Tae decides is the right thing to do, is what is righteous for him. 

         And he too is acting the same as the brunette, completely ignorant of the tension building and bitterness piling up.

     The older boys had tried their best to not bother about this selfishness. Because they were kind of used to similar episodes from the Yoonmin story. 

     But it wasn't so easy when all the time they managed to get a glimpse of their maknae, his face was nothing short of what he used to be. The boy looked tired and stressed and he always has these tears welling up whenever they lock eyes.

       And to know when Jungkook is beating up himself to move forward while Tae doesn't even seem to be least remorseful of what he did, it was not letting them be as generous as Jimin.

         Tae and Jungkook need to have a talk but the boys seem to be utterly against the idea, completely pushing away the topic. But their hyungs were already tired of this. And in the past days Jin has tried many times to start a conversation on this pressing matter. 

     But Tae successfully dodged all the questions that were aimed to bring out a conversation about the days he went missing. 

      And he shouldn't be so bashful about it saying he just needs a break and forgot about contacting them. 

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