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" Please, stop thinking like that, it's okay", he mumbled as he clutched even tighter around the steering wheel as his foot kept pressing on the accelerator, increasing the pace again.

     He was in fact lucky that it's night and there are not many vehicles on the road at this point of  time. Otherwise he wouldn't have even made even one kilometer with the way he was driving.

He was sweating before he realized. 

" No, this cannot be real. He cannot just say that he doesn't love me. It's not right. He is just lying..", he kept on mumbling while he kept struggling to keep the car in control when he had already lost the one on his mind which was going berserk now.  

     And he harshly kept pressing on the accelerator again and again even when not knowing where the road was taking him to.

       Only thing he knew was that he needs to get out of there as soon as possible before everyone sees this side of him which he made sure no one has an idea of.

Weak.pathetic. fragile and broken.

The same weakling his Dad despised. Hated.

    He changed a lot trying to get that approval or recognition of his Dad. But his Dad never showed him anything in return because despite being able to fool everyone with his strong facade and cold aura, his Dad was the only person who knows that he is still that old little boy, the broken soul he created out of a once happy cheerful kid.

    And now he doesn't need more people telling how much of a failure he is.

" Why Kook, why did you do that to me, why did you make me feel everything that I was scared of before shattering it all? Do you think this is funny? And you really love her? Then what am I to you?" He kept on murmuring, not able to stop.

" I'm never going to forgive you for doing this to me", he shakes his head. " Was it fun making me a fool while you were toying with my feelings?"

   But in the midst of running away from everything that was making lose his calm he was completely unaware of where he is driving to and how he has already entered a road which he has never taken before or Jungkook has avoided on all their midnight drives.

   And it's only after cursing himself for being a fool while speeding up again and managing to get him too far ahead in the direction he has taken, he has come back to his senses, the sudden unfamiliarity scaring him a little.

    He was lost. He looked around the place wondering where he was. He has somehow managed to reach somewhere far but foreign.

    And he was so lost in every sense. He doesn't have an idea of what to do and where to go and how to get rid of these flooding in of past memories that were being awakened after he thought he had them covered so securely with no way of getting back into his head. 

     But how will he escape now without letting them break him again?

    He clutched his hairs tightly cursing himself for ruining everything in an instant of letting his guards down. Why did he even do that? He should have remained silent instead of letting his emotions take him over.

      Now what's he supposed to do after he has let out his secret from the same one he has been hiding it from. And what does the future have in store for him?

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