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" Is there something wrong between you and Hobi?" Tae asked as they started walking away from the crowded hallway.

     .To be precise Tae was trying to get away from the younger for not wanting to answer any of the questions that may be aimed at him if he stayed there for another second.

      But the younger, completely unaware of this, is following him like a lost puppy resulting inTae to rack up his brain to find a way out of the mess without stirring up more suspicious thoughts in the mind of the boy.

      And once Tae was sure that he was not going to get away from the interrogation he thought that it's better to talk about something else instead of trying to run away from the younger. 

     But the ravenette didn't even hear the question as something else caught his attention.

" Tae," your shoelaces are untied. Be careful. Don't trip over them", Jungkook said suddenly as soon as noticed it.

     Tae frowned instantly, not understanding where it came from. But as soon as he looked down he realized what the other meant. He gave him a nod before he was about to kneel down to tie them. 

       But before he could Jungkook was quick to move forward and kneel on his feet before Tae started tying the undone one.

Tae sighed softly. " Kook, I could do that on my own '', he said looking down at the boy who was tying up his laces ignoring his protest.

" It's okay. I got this", Jungkook said before he was done. 

       And after making sure that he had tied it properly, he immeadiately moved his fingers to the other shoe and untied the already good ones before tying them up again.

" Just to make sure", he smiled at the confused boy once he got back on his feet.

Tae sighed, shaking his head. " I could have done that by myself, you know?"

Jungkook chuckled. " Stop fretting over it. You can do that by yourself the next time you  carelessly leave them untied!!"

    Tae let out a huff as he walked forward while Jungkook increased his pace to catch up with him.

   The two boys moved forward, engulfed in the comfort of the silence that grew between them as they kept on straying away from the rest.

      And it was Jungkook who broke it finally wanting to know something that has been bothering him for a while now.

" Tae", the younger's shaky voice rang in his ears. " You are not avoiding me. Right?"

         Tae turned to him immediately sensing an unexpected change in the air. And he was shocked to see the pained expression plastered on the younger's face as he waited for him to reply to his question.

" You aren't right? " The ravenette asked once again wanting to make sure and the vulnerability in his voice didn't go unnoticed by the brunette.

" No", Tae shakes his head, honestly confused by the way the younger kept asking the same. " I'm not ignoring you!"

     And it was clearly a lie because that was what he has been doing for the past two days. But the younger one doesn't have to know that.

      Jungkook didn't reply, he just shifted his gaze to the front as they moved forward aimlessly with no destination set in their minds.

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