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        The silence was what followed after the younger's confession of what went on Friday night and how Tae disappeared after their heated argument followed the confession.

       The youngest of them has a saddened expression plastered on his face and he wasn't really eager for the silence to be broken or to hear what they have to say on the matter. 

       And he was sure that they are not going to be all sympathetic towards him even though he himself is in pain because the brunette who has disappeared into the night hasn't returned yet and no one has a clue of where the boy would have gone. 

     And the ravenette himself wouldn't want anyone to act all okay with him when he is the reason why all this has happened. If only he was more attentive to certain details, he could have prevented this disaster from occurring.

      The five boys glanced at each other, probably wondering where they should start. If anything they don't have the heart to say or do something that couldn't make the boy even more hurt than he already is.

      They were not really ready to accept what he has done even though it is surely on the spur of the moment. But they still don't know the entire story and thus are not in a position to judge or scold the younger who seemed to be already regretting everything.

        And it was the oldest of them who finally mustered the courage to open his mouth.

" So you told him that you love Hayun?" he asked calmly, not wanting to overwhelm the younger who seemed to be already upset with the situation.

Jungkook nodded as if in a trance. " Yeah", he sighed softly.

" And he left after hearing your dumb excuse?" he probed while the rest watched them holding on their own breath.

       Jungkook nodded his head slowly, humming before he averted his gaze to the floor not wanting the rest to see watering eyes.

        Jin sent his gaze to Hobi silently asking him whether he should go on and the other nodded his head furiously urging him to continue.

Jin looked away with a sigh as he turned to the younger. " Why did you reject him anyway by lying about her?" he asked.

Jungkook finally looked up from the floor, his face displaying a distressed look before he blinked the tears away. 

" Because his confession was not something that I could accept then", he answered softly and the rest were puzzled.

" Ohh??" Jimin scoffed, suddenly feeling annoyed. He was already upset about Tae's missing and now this boy has the audacity to say something like this?

But before he could say anything Jungkook started again. " He shouldn't have confessed to me like that..out of the blue..", the boy trailed off and it only made the rest get more confused.

" What is he even saying?" Hoseok mouthed to Jin who only shrugged his shoulders not understanding what was going on. 

       And Hoseok was even more worried about the second youngest in the room who was sitting on the other side of Jin glaring at the maknae ready to pounce on him.

       While Jimin was giving death glares to the younger, the older ones were perplexed by the words blurted out by the youngest.

     What is this supposed to mean now? Is it that there was nothing going on between their maknaes?

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