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      And Jimin's happy thread of finding the younger ended at the hallway where he was sure that he would find him.

      But all the giddiness vanished from his face as soon as he finally managed to spot the younger.

         Now there is the boy he has been furiously searching for the past few minutes, already losing hopes of finding, leaning tiredly against the walls of the empty hallway of the arts block a few meters away from his own precious studio.

       And there was nothing of the anger that he witnessed earlier was present on his face. And there was no smile or annoyance as he stood there with his eyes closed and his bag loosely hanging on his shoulder.

     Jimin stood there not knowing what to do and there was an awkward air surrounding the two.

      And the boy has only a blank expression plastered on his face when he finally opened his eyes seemingly ready to acknowledge the presence of the older boy.

" Why are you here?" he asked softly, his voice coming out so weak that it scared the other.

" I.." he tried to start but found himself closing his mouth as he contemplated whether he should say something that he had planned to tell him as soon as they met.

     And to be honest he only wants to contragulate the boy for finally stop being so dumb and naive.

     But seeing how worn out and tired the younger looks, he couldn't find himself to say anything that might sound even a little harsh.

" You saw what happened. Right?" Tae asked softly and it made the other to widen his eyes in shock.

" What? Sorry?" he asked dumbly, wondering what the younger is trying to say even though he did have a faint clue about it.

But how did Tae know he was there when he showed no signs of it?

" I know you saw what happened between Hayun and me", the younger said, sighing then.

     And Jimin doesn't know how to reply. He has never felt so lost for words before. He looked down at the floor feeling nervous all of a sudden.

" So you made up with Yoongi?"

    And it was the question from the younger which finally pulled him out of his thoughts.

      He scoffed as he realized what was the question he was asked. He let out another scoff as he looked at the younger who has his arms folded across his chest now probably waiting for him to answer the query.

" And who told you that?" Jimin asked, unable to keep himself from frowning.

Tae tilted his head slightly, a confused look on his face. " But it did look like that!"

Jimin shakes his head. " Don't believe everything that you see", he said feeling a bit flustered suddenly sensing how ironic it is for those words to come out of his mouth. 

       Because he's the one who believes what his eyes land on. And no one could talk him out of it. But the younger before him didn't seem to have the urge to point it out or contradict him but he only had a solemn look on his face.

 " And I'm not someone who forgives easily", Jimin added on, the words coming out loud and clear, and this is exactly what defines him. 

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