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     Tae groaned slightly, patting his head softly trying to soothe the pounding headache that he has been suffering since the morning.

      He shakes his head before opening his locker and taking out his schedule trying to figure which is the class he should skip today. No way, he is going to attend all of them even if it's not a good idea to skip the classes.

      But what is he supposed to do when he is too tired to sit through even just one lecture? But he didn't want to let anyone know what he was going through. And he doesn't want Jungkook to worry about him more than he is already doing.

     Moreover he didn't want to give the younger more chances of suspecting something serious going with him. And then there is Jimin who seemed to be after him all day trying to give him hints which he doesn't know related to what. 

      Anyway, he doesn't want to pay much attention to him because it only means adding more to his truck of problems. And that's what Tae wants to avoid now.

    But he was pulled out of his train of thoughts with someone clearing their throat.

    Tae turned his head to the one who interrupted him and he was surprised to see Hayun standing by his side with a sweet smile plastered on her face.

" Oh hai", she smiled softly. 

" I'm Hayun. We already met before. And I really hope that you haven't forgotten me already!"

Tae shakes his head. " Well, I have a sharp memory!"

She grinned at the reply. " Oh that's good! I also remember you very well!" She smiled again. 

" And you must have already heard enough of me from Jungkook. Right?"

Tae chuckled softly, shaking his head. " No, I haven't heard him mentioning you at all!" 

     He wasn't lying when he said that. And it was  the truth. And where would Jungkook even get the time to talk about someone else when he is busy giving him lectures about what to do and what not to do as if he is a kid?

     Hayun has her eyes widened, somewhat surprised. Was she expecting something else for him to say?

" Oh?" she smiled awkwardly, doing a poor job at hiding her surprise. 

" Well, we are from the same high school! I was his senior!"

Tae nodded. " I think I have heard that already", he said. " And were you guys friends?"

Hayun blinked her eyes, shaking her head then denying it. " No", she said. " We were just acquaintances?"

    Tae looked at her confused. Because for him her answer came off more like a question as if she herself was not sure of it.

" Yeah, we were just acquaintances!" she clarified soon seeing the confused look of the brunette.

     Tae nodded slowly, shrugging his shoulders not planning to question her about it now.

     But interrupting their peaceful conversation another voice spoke up.

" Why? Are you not really sure about what your relationship with Jungkook is?"  It was Jimin and his tone was surely taunting.

Tae bit his lips somewhat surprised by the sudden appearance of his best friend.

" Jimin", he called, knowing something is really off after seeing the blank face of the older.

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