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    Tears were rolling down her cheeks which were already wet as she pushed open the door and entered into the place which was the place she had known what happiness was even though a lot of haunting nights were part of it. 

    She sobbed harder as she leaned against the closed door trying to steady her breathing which was getting erratic ever since she started sobbing in the car on her way back. But what is she supposed to do when all he could hear is the sound of her heart breaking down.

" Why? Why am I so unlucky?" she sobbed as she put her face into the palms not being able to get a grip. 

" Why was I a fool to believe that I'm finally going to be the happiest?

  But what was I supposed to do when all I wanted was your love.and I was getting a taste of it after these long years of waiting..."

    She raised her head tiredly, her eyes immediately landing on the suitcases that were placed in the room which she had packed yesterday not knowing that she was never going to step into this place after today and the thought made her cry harder.

    She was so caught up in the bliss of living her dream life that she never saw the end of it approaching with the aim of breaking her. 

    She knows that there is no one to be blamed for her current situation. After all she brought this upon herself when she selfishly tried to get something which was someone else while knowing what kind of huge mess she was creating and that she was being nothing but a villain for him who meant so much for the brunette even though he wouldn't admit it anymore.

    And she was somewhat relieved that at least she is the only one who was at the loss now and not everyone else who was being surprisingly gentle with her even after all the pain and misery she has caused to them with just her existence in the brunette's life.

    And she has gotten her biggest punishment today for whatever she did. And nothing could help her to forget the sight she was forced to come across at the cliff after those long hours filled with anxiety and regrets. 

     And that moment she saw him standing on the edge ready to end everything was the moment she made the decision to leave.

     And all that happened after that was just a pile of blurry images to her which she couldn't even see properly because of the tears welling up.

    And now it's the time she has to follow her decision instead of going against it and causing more pain and wounds to her baby. 

    She was distressed and hurt. But she knows that she shouldn't be complaining. At least, she did get a chance to be with him, even if it's just an illusion she created. And she has him around her dancing along with her fantasies.

    She knows from the very beginning that she is making a mistake. She was not what he wanted. She was not what he had been desperately looking for in the crowd of students.

     And she has never Missed the disappointment in his eyes when it's her eyes he locks with when he was frantically searching for someone else.

     If she is still going to see that she was not fully aware of it, it's crystal clear after what happened today. He is not happy with her,he never has been. 

     And all the while she thought she was helping him, she was literally torturing him with her persistence. And she wouldn't be able to forgive herself for that.

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