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"Yoongi, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Jimin snapped, trying to keep his voice down.

" That's what I should be asking you!" Yoongi shot back, not ready to back down. " I told you it wasn't what you were thinking. Can't you just try to trust me for once?"

But the younger one only scoffed. " Seriously?" he raised a brow. " You are saying it was nothing?" he shakes his head, a disappointed look on his face. " She was almost going to sit on your lap!"

Yoongi sighed, irritated. " But she wasn't right? I wouldn't have let her do that!!"

Jimin groaned loudly. " Yoongi, can't you understand what I'm trying to say?" he asked, sighing. " I'm tired of getting annoyed and jealous,then fighting with you like this again and again!"

" Then why are you always making a big deal out of it?" Yoongi asked, as he stared back at the other. He was honestly getting annoyed by all the accusations thrown at him when he has done nothing wrong to deserve all this.

    Meanwhile the rest of the boys couldn't help but just watch them going on with the same thing again which they thought they wouldn't have to witness when the two got back together this time. And they were honestly getting tired. 

" She would have been on your lap if I didn't interrupt you two", he sighed. " Can't you at least respect my request to stay away from those sluts?" 

Yoongi looked at him with a frown. " How many times should I tell you not to call them that?" he asked. " Don't you know it's disrespectful?"

" Then what should I call those attention seeking whores who couldn't even bother to stay away from my boyfriend?" he snarled, glaring at his boyfriend. " Or are you suggesting that I have an open relationship with you or something?"

Yoongi sighed. " I'm honestly done with you", he said looking away and it only made the other even more furious.

" Done with me, you say?" he growled at the other. " Then why the fuck did you ask me for a second chance if you can't even stay loyal to me?"

" I'm loyal!!" Yoongi shouted back, his voice raising which eventually did earn the attention from the nearby tables but they all looked away as soon as Yoongi glared at them. " But I can't understand why you are not ready to trust me!! And it's not my fault that they can't stop coming after me!!"

" It's your fault that they are not leaving you alone", Jimin shouted back, not even bothering to mind the surroundings anymore. " You should make it clear to them that you are taken and you don't appreciate these open advances they are making at you!"

Yoongi rubbed his temple harshly trying to contain his frustration. " Even if they do all those things, can you at least trust me that I won't get lured?" he sighed. " I told you that I love you. Right?"

       The rest of the boys were even more tired than the two boys having to sit through it while the two went back and forth trying to prove their own points. And Tae was honestly feeling sorry for his best friend and at the same time rage towards the other boy whom he's not really fond of.

      Jin sighed looking at his boyfriend who only gestured to him to keep quiet not wanting to aggravate the issue while Hoseok just shook his head in disappointment.

      It was just another day where all except their maknae were gathered for their lunch break and much to Tae's annoyance the rest were adamant on sitting at the corner table instead of their previous one.

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