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Warning: rape attempt

       Tae blinks his eyes, keeping his glass down in fear of losing his grip on it. He shakes his head slowly, not understanding what is happening because it was just his third drink, he was keeping count of it not wanting to be careless. 

      But the feeling he was having right now is not just that of being intoxicated either.

    And he couldn't understand why being inside an air conditioned room in this chilly weather, he was feeling hot and sweaty.

    Tae sighed as he looked up at the bartender with much effort, because the dizziness and darkness that was creeping in was not being very helpful and he couldn't even keep his head up.

" Can you get me a glass of water?" he asked the boy who was looking at him confused, not really aware of what had happened.

" Sir, are you okay?" he asked, worriedly while  serving the crowd which had unexpectedly swarmed the area.

      He wants to say no because he was nowhere to be okay. But he doesn't want to bother the others and he was sure that this is nothing that he should worry about and will soon pass away after he drinks some water.

    The man nodded before quickly giving him what he asked for. And Tae immediately drank the water, finishing it in one go, feeling his throat getting dry. 

" Are you okay?" Another unfamiliar voice asked from beside him and Tae was startled by it because he was not even aware of the seat next to him getting occupied.

     He knew that it's not really wise of him to take those deceptive care as something genuine. But he was not in his right mind to even comprehend his own thoughts and watch out for himself.

       He nodded his head slowly, trying not to clutch it tight and let the other know. Because he was surely not oblivious to the fact that this is not a place where you should wear your weakness on your sleeve and let the world sympathize over it before taking advantage of your vulnerable stare.

      Tae was baffled by what he was feeling at the moment, beads of sweat forming in his forehead and his breathing getting heavier. 

     He shakes his head trying to make his vision clear. But he was not really able to understand why it's happening.

      The drink he had was not an unfamiliar one and he was sure that he shouldn't get drunk just by having three shots of it. Then why is it feeling like being intoxicated and weak?

    And yeah, vulnerability was what he was feeling at the moment and he knows that there is definitely something going on which he was not aware of and which has the power to make him lose everything that he has been holding on to. 

     And he put the glass away before tucking his hands into the pocket to get his phone so that he could call for help.

      But before he could reach his phone, the girl who was observing his movements with a smirk dancing on her red lips has successfully interrupted him again.

" You don't seem to be fine!" she said, this time with much force and Tae was honestly not sure how he is managing to sit straight with his head spinning like this. 

" Maybe you could lie down a bit", she said softly. " They have private rooms here. Maybe after that you may feel okay", she was saying.

     And Tae was not in a state to say no and he had already realized with much horror that his phone which he had fished out of his pocket with so much effort was already dead. 

    So he nodded his head slowly hoping maybe he could charge his mobile there.

" Do you want me to hold you?" Her voice was ringing in his ears, making it difficult for him to comprehend what she was saying. 

     He stood up slowly, nearly ending up on the floor if it's not for the firm grip of the girl on his biceps and having no other choice he let her guide to the place she said the private rooms are located. 

     And he let her take where she wanted him in while not knowing how two broken souls were glancing at him leaving with her with their eyes not even blinking. 

      One was watching the scene with her heart breaking down not knowing what exactly is happening. 

       And the other was completely drowning in worry not knowing what to do because she was completely aware of why the boy had let her take him away from the crowd, to somewhere they would not be interrupted.

     Tae was still dizzy when they entered a room which was a luxurious one which was not a surprise to him anymore because the place was glittering with it. 

     And before he could turn around and thank her for helping him he was pushed down to the bed.

" Hey, what are you doing?" Tae asked as he tried to get up from the bed only to fall back with the girl suddenly climbing on top of him. 

     And he was too shocked to realize what was going on and he couldn't even keep his eyes open, the drug that was injected into him through the drink he thought was the one he ordered was already taking control of his body. 

     He was slipping out of his consciousness, his body still resisting the touch of the one who was hovering above her lips moving to his flawless neck. And as soon as he felt the wetness on his skin, he shuddered as his hands desperately trying to push her away.

" Why are you resisting, baby?" He could hear the voice in his head. " I know that you also want this as much as I do! So please stop trying to push me away and let me do my work!"

     The girl has not stopped talking as she took her sweet time. But he was not able to hear anything more, his mind going numb realizing what was happening. But yet he tried to push away her only to realize he was unable to do it, and it was as if he was paralysed not even being able to move his fingers. 

     He could feel himself giving into the pleasure that's being generated. His body accepts what his mind doesn't want to. Making him hate himself more than he is already doing. 

      He tried to push her away desperately not wanting this to happen even if his body's reaction to her touch was positive. But soon his hands were captured and pinned down on the bed.

" You are really annoying! And I don't like it when people resist!" He could barely make it out of her words and he didn't want to hear anything more.

    He could still feel her abusing his neck, creating marks that he never wished to be left behind by anyone else other than his lover boy. 

      And the sudden thoughts gushing into his mind was enough to keep him struggling not letting her have him without resistance. 

      But it was futile because she had complete control over the situation and before he could even understand an unwanted groan left his mind and the next second he heard a loud sound along with a scream echoing in his ears before it went completely blank.

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