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     Tae just scoffed seeing the emotions flickering in their faces, where regret was what is prominent. He just shakes his head realizing why they are here with Yanah at a place they wouldn't be there if it's not for them finally knowing the truth.

      He should have felt happy about the situation and he should have thanked them for their apologetic looks. But why would he do that when this is the last thing he has wanted from them and not after this long time.

" I don't need your pity and sympathy, if that's what you are to offer to me", he said through the gritted teeth.

    He could still remember how they had treated him after he managed to make a comeback when all he wanted was to lock himself up somewhere and not ever come out, to let himself get healed before he was ready to face it all like always.

     But he has pushed himself to be ready as fast as he could so that he wouldn't worry them, so that he would be able to get back on his feet without letting anyone know of what has happened.

     But no, they welcomed him like they would to a cheater, they throw only mean glares and judging stares even when they know nothing.

     Okay, maybe it may not be entirely their fault because it was him who always dodged the questions when he had a chance to let them know what happened. It was him who kept them in the dark and let them assume whatever they wanted.

     But at least, couldn't they just try to realize that he is not someone who could do something as horrible as cheating after knowing him for so long? 

      How could they think that he has stooped so low just because of spotting some hickies on his neck and how did they even think that this is not his way of reaction even though it was a brutal rejection he has just faced.

    And what did they expect him to explain? 

    That he is a weakling who couldn't even take care of himself and who couldn't stand up for himself without letting other people take advantage of him?

     They thought that Tae was okay with the harsh words they were throwing at him and their cold treatment towards him. but why did they assume so? 

     He is just human. And it's inhumane to feel sad when people behave so rudely and cold toward them especially when they have done nothing to deserve it from them. And it would even hurt the more when you receive such a treatment from the ones you cared for the most, your only family in this world.

     How did they even manage to assume that Tae was okay with it? Because he kept on coming back? But didn't they think that it may be because he doesn't want to lose them forever? The only family which exists for him?

" Tae, we are all sorry for what we did to you", Namjoon said, making the boy raise a brow. " But it wouldn't have gotten worse if you didn't provoke us all the time", he said quietly, making Jimin look at him in disbelief.

But before he could say anything, the brunette spoke up, his eyes screaming only rage. " So it all happened because I provoked you?" he asked, scoffing then. 

" Then were you all expecting me to sit there silently when you were cornering me like a criminal, throwing accusations after accusations?" he asked, sarcasm dripping from his words. 

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