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     Tae was looking out of the window of his bedroom, his chest filled with uneasiness surging up every passing minute. Because he couldn't believe what he was going to do.

    He was restless, annoyed and sad, the opposite of what he thought he's going to feel when he agreed to the offer yesterday at the principal's office.

    He shakes his head, wanting to drive away the whirlwind of emotions he was feeling at the moment and all he wanted to do was cry out loud and tear everything apart instead of acting like a strong boy he was not.

" I heard you were called to the Principal's office", he heard a voice at the door, which was enough to interrupt his dwam of self loathing thoughts. 

" Is everything alright?"

Tae turned around with a sigh, his brows furrowed. " Yeah, everything is alright", he bit his lips. " It's..", he stopped himself not to know how to bring up the issue and Jimin could easily tell that there is something that is worrying the boy.

" What is it?" he asked, closing the door behind and walking to his friend who has his eyes fixed on nothing particular outside the window but he has no idea how to voice it out without enraging his soulmate.

" What is it, Tae?" Jimin repeated the question, getting impatient.

    Tae tilted his head to look at him, pressing his lips together and Jimin could only frown. The matter is pretty serious, otherwise the brunette wouldn't be this much nervous to break the news to him.

" Is it something about your father?" he asked, hoping it's not the case. " Did he find out that you changed your stream?"

Tae gave him a glare, shaking his head soon. " It's nothing like that", he mumbled,still refusing to say anything because he knows that once he opens his mouth, hell is going to break loose.

" Did you get together with Jungkook?" he asked, his eyes fixed on him with a hopeful gaze. " Did you guys finally resolve all your issues?"

Tae took a deep breath before shaking his head again. Jimin frowned instantly, completely taken aback by the response. 

" So you guys are still fighting?" he asked, a disappointed look on his face.

" What the hell are you even thinking?" Jimin was annoyed, he couldn't believe himself. What's even this stupid thinking about when he is pushing away that boy who loves him more than anything else in this world.

" You are trying to break a bond which anyone else would die to have in their lives", he chidded disheartedly, and only disapproval plastered in his face and Tae was sure that it's only going to get worse with what he was intending to say next.

Tae sighs, deciding to not hold back anymore however worse the consequences are. " I got an opportunity for foreign exchange from a university in Paris", he said, his voice tired and soft and Jimin looked at him with widening eyes, shocked not to leave him.

But as soon as he realized what it meant, his expression hardened. " Please, tell me that you rejected the offer", he shakes his head already knowing where this is going.

    But that's when he saw something else which was shockingly went unnoticed when he walked into the room earlier. Two suitcases were placed together near the window where Tae was standing now. And he looked back at the boy, with an aching heart.

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