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      Tae took a sip from the glass, as his eyes moved back to the two old acquaintances who still seem to have so much to talk about.

       He scoffed, as he remembered that he has been dealing with recently. It was all too much for him to process and handle but he had no other choice.

      Ever since he has heard that from Yoona, Tae has been keeping his distance from Jungkook as well as his hyungs. He was angry, and he knows that staying close to the boy would only make him more angry and he doesn't want to say or do something which he may regret just because he couldn't still get it all together.

     He was taking his time to figure it out. Whether to forgive Jungkook and move on as if he hasn't known anything in the first place of how his best friend lied to him.

    And that day when Jungkook tried to find Tae, he saw that the studio was locked. And when he called Tae, he said that he was visiting places to get the inspiration for a new project. Which was an absolute lie.

       And from then on Tae kept on lying to him giving all kinds of absurd excuses because he still doesn't want to see him before he decides what he wants from him, Whether forgive and move on with their life or stop whatever they have going on.

      But in the end Tae knew that he was not ready to let go. He still wants the boy. Because he wants to take another chance. He wants to give another chance for their relationship.

     And it's on one of these days he is still indecisive, he lashes out at Hayun and then runs into Jimin.

      But now sitting at the counter of the bar from where he could clearly see the boy who has been his best friend for the past two years, he has already made his decision even though the situation is messy.

     It's okay, he has been telling himself. Whatever is the reason that has prompted the younger to lie to him, he is ready to forgive him.

        He should have a peaceful conversation with the boy as soon as possible.

   But not today, not when his mind is still unsettled and he couldn't actually understand what is happening. 


    And this may be the last chance he is going to give him and it's good if the younger one wouldn't mess this up as well.

      Jungkook laughed along with Hayun as it was not easy to hold in. He was telling her about Namjoon and Jin and their epic confession because the girl was persistent to know after getting a whiff of it from somewhere else.

     He wouldn't have even told her if her nagging hadn't been so annoying and maybe he doesn't even mind it much. 

      As long as her subject of interest is not Tae, he is fine. And still she wouldn't dare to do anything after what he has already told her. And she now knows her limits.

        But as he kept laughing along with her, his eyes immediately found his best friend across the room. But he somehow felt a little bit uncomfortable seeing the way the other was staring at him.

     Tae was sitting at the counter, a glass securely held in his hand. But the way his scrutinizing eyes were boring into him, made him feel more alarmed.

Tae is drunk? 

      But it hasn't been much time since Tae declared that he wanted to have a drink and went to the counter. So no way he has gotten drunk in such a short period of time.

    But why does it feel that Tae is not really pleased right now?

     Jungkook was looking at the boy who was staring at him with such an intense gaze that it was able to go shivers down his spine.

      Jungkook was trying to comprehend the situation but he was not able to. So he stood up from the couch attempting to make his way to his best friend.

But Hayun stopped him. " Where are you going?", she asked confusedly.

Jungkook shook his head not knowing what to say. He was still confused by Tae's action.

 " I don't know", he sighed. " But I think Tae is drunk so I need to get him back to the dorm before he gets wasted completely", he said.

She smiled softly. " Oh! Tae!", she snorted. " Okay, go ahead! I won't hold you back!", she smiled.

     Jungkook shot her a warning gaze before looking around trying to see if anyone had heard what she just said but thankfully there was nothing that seemed to be alarming.

      But still he couldn't stop himself getting wary of the situation. He glared at her before getting up and moving towards the counter. 

     But he froze as he looked ahead. Because the seat where Tae was sitting earlier was empty. And the boy was nowhere to be seen. 

     He looked around frantically, scanning the room full of carefree bunch of oblivious people.

     His eyes traveled to where his group of friends were and he could see everyone engrossed in their own bubbles but he couldn't spot Tae anywhere near them.

     And within seconds of intense scanning he was sure that the boy was no longer present in the room.

     And the thought of a drunk Tae all alone somewhere was not feeling good to him. So without thinking twice he ran out of the place not wanting to stop unless he found the boy safe and okay.

" Please be okay, baby", he murmured softly as he looked around the place trying to get a glimpse of the brunette.

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