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" I'm really tired", Tae yawned. " Maybe you are right. It's not a bad idea at all", he sighed. " I really did need some sleep", he said quietly, voice barely visible.

     Jungkook gave him a stern gaze as he stopped in his tracks, causing Tae to stop as well. 

     They were going to Tae's room at Jungkook's insistence that he should get some proper sleep instead of dozing off in his studio

" What? What happened?" Tae enquired, confused.

" What were you doing last night?" He asked, looking at the other with a frown.

Tae smiled sheepishly, letting out another yawn. " I was watching a movie!"

Jungkook crossed his arms across his chest, as he stared back at the other. " And?" he probed.

Tae smiled. " Well, I couldn't just end the movie without knowing who is the actual culprit. Right?"

Jungkook shakes his head. " When did you sleep?"

Tae gulped nervously. " Around 3am?"

Jungkook frowned. "Tae, Haven't I told you not to stay after 12?" he sighed. " The maximum you can stay up is one!"

" C'mon Kook!!" Tae groaned. " It isn't a big deal!"

" Yeah, and you can barely keep your eyes open now!" the younger scoffed.

     Tae didn't say anything but he started walking again with Jungkook following after him. 

       Jungkook sighed softly. He knows that he should try to be more lenient with the boy seeing how disturbed he has been for quite a while now.

      And he is still in the dark about the reason for the sudden shift in Tae's behavior. But he is not going to force Tae to disclose whatever is going with him.

     And when Tae went to his parental home back in Daegu, he was hoping that Tae could use this change of climate to clear things for the better. 

       But it seems like it didn't work and also the new project Tae has been working on currently is making the boy drained, to the point the stress from it is messing up with his sleep patterns and his peace of mind.

    And if it wasn't for Jungkook keeping a close watch on him, visiting him from time to time to ensure that he's not skipping food, Tae wouldn't even be getting proper rest and sleep.

     But still, Tae doesn't seem to listen to him these days when all he has been doing was trying to get the best for him.

" I should do something about that dorm swap sooner. Right?" the ravenette asked as he trailed behind the brunette.

Tae just shrugs his shoulders.

" Why? You don't want to room with me again?" Jungkook has his voice slightly raised, irritated.

Tae chuckled. " No, silly! I'll be happy to have you back!" he smiled while the other just let out a scoff.

" But you seem to be so satisfied with your current roommate!" Jungkook poked his cheek with his tongue.

Tae chuckled. " I can't say I'm unhappy or something. Because I really like him a lot. But no one is better than you!" 

Jungkook nodded. " Well, I'm going to do something as soon as this internal inspection ends", he let out with a scoff.
" They are taking too long to get over it. And I can't do anything about the dorms when I'm already too scared about them discovering about your course transfer".

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