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Meanwhile Tae turned around to Jungkook as soon as Jimin and Yoongi were gone. " Are we not going down?" he asked, slightly nervous at the calm expression sporting on the younger's face.

But Jungkook was looking around the place, his eyes sparkling at the beauty of the place. " So is this the place you have been coming to whenever you want to watch the stars?"

Tae sighed looking away from the younger not answering the question. " Can't we leave?" he asked tiredly.

Jungkook turned to him. " You have found such a beautiful place", he pouted. " But still didn't want to share with me?"

    Tae didn't say anything in response to that but he could feel himself calming down and it was always like that when it's just the two of them. And it's not even a surprise for him anymore after experiencing it for long.

" Have you ever taken her with you whenever you come here?" the ravenette asked, not ready to stop. And Tae could feel the jealousy evident in his voice which the younger is not bothering to hide.

    Jungkook knows that it's just an absurd question whose answer he is already aware of. Because he has seen how clueless Yanah  has been when they have reached here tracing his location.

     She has already said that she doesn't know of the place he has been running away to. But he only believed that after seeing that by himself. 

    But still as petty it makes him, he wants to hear those words from Tae himself.

And as expected Tae shakes his head. " No, it was just my own place where I could be myself!"

    Jungkook looked away from him before nodding. And he could clearly understand what Tae was trying to say after knowing everything that was happening from Yanah. 

    Tae must have had a hard time keeping up with her attempts to make their dating a real one.

    But the brunette was too tired to stand there and wait when the younger was admiring the view and the air was getting chillier and he was slightly worried about the younger who is not someone who is fond of the frost.

" Jungkook," he called softly. " Can we go? I'm tired".

   The ravenette turned to him instantly realizing his stupidity. Of course, how could he forget how exhausted Tae is after everything?

" Okay, we can go", he said hurriedly. " But before that", he drew on. " Can you give me a hug?" he asked, his voice coated with nervousness scared of getting rejected. " Please?"

    Tae looked at him with a surprised look, clearly not expecting that. But he nodded after a moment of thought probably seeing no harm in that request which Jungkook seemed to be in direly in need of.

     And it didn't take a second for the younger to jump into action and engulf the brunette into his embrace. Tae shuddered at the sudden contact even though he was trying not to for the sake of the younger. But he couldn't help something which was not in his control.

And the younger could feel the tremble that he could feel closely but it didn't stop him from tightening his hold around the older.

 " Thank you", he mumbled against the brunette's soft locks. " I really needed this!"

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