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" Tae, my dearest baby", Jungkook gritted out. " As much as I love you, I'm still too young to die!"

Tae turned to him, confused. " What happened?" 

Jungkook quirked a brow. " You seriously did not ask me that!" he let out a shakily. " Oh my god! Can't you see me freezing here?"

" Are you cold?" Tae blinked and Jungkook gritted his teeth while forcing a smile on his face.

      He has been feeling numb because of the blazing cold. And his dearest best friend is literally asking him if he is cold.

He huffed slightly. " No, I'm feeling so hot!"

     Tae shrugged his shoulders in response.

 " Then why are you whining that you are cold?" he sighed before turning his attention back to the darkness.

     Jungkook was now gaping at his friend, he clenched his fist unable to contain his frustration. If it was anyone else he would have already smacked his head with the first object that his eyes land on.

 But it's not possible now. Right?

   Because this is but his baby bear, his best friend whom he loves more than anything in this world. And how would he even think about hurting him?

     They were sitting in the balcony of the younger's dorm. Tae was just watching the night sky absentmindedly while Jungkook was honestly shaking in his spot. And he was rubbing his arms and palms trying to get some warmth. 

" Are you serious now?" Jungkook gasped, a pout forming in his lips. " I'm literally shaking because of this stupid cold and you really has the audacity to ask that most silly question?" 

Tae sighed softly. " Sorry, I didn't notice!" 

     Jungkook pouted before looking away and continued with his actions to get some warmth in his already freezing body.

But that's when he realized something. And with widening eyes he turned around to his best friend.

" Oh my god! Tae!" He was shouting already.

 " Why are you still so calm? It's freezing cold here! Wait! What the fuck is happening? I can't even feel my body properly after sitting here for just ten minutes. But you have been here for almost an hour and you are not even able to feel the cold?"

He was honestly bewildered when Tae turned to him, shrugging his shoulders.

" I don't know...I really like this weather..maybe you are just too sensitive!"

     Jungkook frowned at that. How is that even possible? He looked at Tae again and as said the boy seemed not even bothered by the frigid weather.

He huffed. " No, I'm fine! It's just the air is a little bit too cold", he mumbled softly, not wanting to appear weak before the other.

Tae just shrugged his shoulders. " Okay, but I like this!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes. " Did you grow up in Antarctica or what? How are you not even shaking even a bit? I can't even-"

Tae turned to him with a frown. " Oh my god! Just go and get something warm instead of complaining about this lovely weather!!"

Jungkook scoffed. " Lovely! Tsk!"

      Jungkook huffed as he rubbed his palms together. He has been doing everything to get at least a bit of warmth. He hugged himself tightly while sinking into the chair with no avail.

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