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        Tae stepped into the building not caring of all the stares coming his way, his hurried steps taking him forward as he walked through the isolated hallway of the sports block.

       He was walking forward scanning the numbers on the doors that were on his way. It seems like he's on his own to find his way as there is not a single soul in sight.

He halted in his tracks, eyes wandering around the area.

" Where is 303?" he mumbled as he tried to locate that specific door.

" Hey! Are you lost?" A voice spoke behind him and he turned around nearly startled by the sudden shift in air.

     And he came face to face with someone unfamiliar and seeing his tall and muscular physique, Tae could tell that the guy is probably someone from here.

      But before he knew it, Tae frowned a little while his palm rested on his chest feeling the erratic breathing of his heart.

The guy who realized what he did gave him an apologetic look. " Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" he apologized, bowing.

Tae sighed softly. " It's okay, I just didn't expect someone to pop up like that out of nowhere!!"

The guy let out a small chuckle. " Sorry again, I didn't mean to!"

      Tae nodded slowly before looking around again, not really interested in the boy who seemed like he couldn't stop being apologetic for startling him.

" Are you looking for something?"the boy asked, seeing how restless the brunette was being. " Do you want some help?"

Tae sighed, nodding. " Yeah, I was looking for room no. 303! One of my friends is there actually", he frowned.

" Ohh!!" The guy nodded, a wide grin spreading across his face. " Are you looking for your best friend? That guy from the dance major? Our captain's boyfriend?"

    Tae furrowed his eyebrows at the descriptions being presented to him but that's when he realized it. 

He nodded immediately, letting out a sigh of relief. " Yeah, that's him!" he smiled.

 " If you don't mind, can you tell me where I can find him?"

 " Well I don't mind!" The guy smiled. " Yeah, and Jimin is there in that room which is at the farthest end of this hallway! I am not sure about the room number though!"

       Tae sighed looking at the direction the guy pointed out. He was actually planning to take the opposite direction and if this dude hadn't shown up he would have surely got lost in his attempts to find Jimin.

      Tae couldn't help but frown as he let his eyes linger in the direction that guy has pointed to. But what is Jimin doing here?

Tae turned back to the other, forcing out a smile not wanting to give away his conflicting feelings.

 " It's okay", he mumbled.

" And thank you so much for helping me out".

The guy shrugged, smiling at him.

       Tae didn't wait further, he bowed slightly and gave the guy another small smile while muttering another thank you before he turned around and took off to where his best friend might be, doing what he had no idea.

What's even that idiot doing in the sports block?

      Tae bit his lips as he walked, taking lazy steps forward. He should have at least given a chance for the nameless guy to introduce himself when the guy seems to have shown great interest in helping him and he already seems to know who Tae is.

      But he didn't because he didn't want to. In fact, he seems to skip doing many other things he liked to do or rather used to do in the past.

       Recently everything was being too much for him and he just wanted to keep himself away from all the unwanted questions and attention.

      And he was even feeling like staying away from his biggest supporters.

      His mind was full of chaos and it kept on drifting to territories which are forbidden and he should not step into for the sake of his own sanity.


      And that's what makes him stay away from anything and everything. He doesn't want anyone to know but he was actually scared of being around them because of the fear of them knowing what he has been hiding all along.

     He couldn't let them around him when he was already at his lowest. He doesn't know how he would manage keeping up with his acting when he feels so vulnerable and lost.

    .He can't let them know, never and ever...that there is a lot hidden behind this mask he wears everyday, flashing a million dollar happy smile, stories untold and unamusing, and he doesn't want them to know either...how much of a perfect actor Kim Taehyung is.

" This boy! What I'm going to do with him now?" he mumbled as his walk soon turned into a sprint eager to reach his friend.

      And finally Tae pushed open the said door which of course has number 303 written on top of it.

So Hoseok was right about it.

    And as soon as he opened the door, he was met with a big well furnished room which has two lines of beds placed opposite to each other.

       Tae gasped clearly, surprised. And it seems like the sports department is giving too much luxury for their students.

       He shrugged it off as he walked to the only one bed that seems to be occupied right this moment.

        And on that bed which is at the farthest left corner of the room laid his best friend seemingly asleep with his left hand placed over his eyes and the other on his chest.

       Tae sighed, shaking his head. If he is tired like this, he could have simply gone to his own dorm room instead of coming all the way here which is nowhere close to his own department. 

Or is it that he came to see Yoongi? 

      Tae's eyes widened at the thought which seems to be really fitting.

        But if Jimin has come here for Yoongi, then why is this boy alone here? And where is Yoongi? Or did something terrible happen?

        Tae gulped at the thought, his steps coming into a halt. Did Yoongi somehow mess up everything? Again? Did something happen between the two?

       Tae sighed softly contemplating whether he should actually move forward or just leave while he still can?

      He pouted, mentally letting out a groan. If his assumptions are correct and there is actually something that has happened between these two, it would be better that he leaves before Jimin spots him.

       Otherwise he's the one who is going to be at the receiving end of Jimin's angry babbling.

       Nonetheless Tae resumes his walk, deciding to face whatever is going to happen. 

        But as soon as he reached his destination with all those possible scenarios messing up his mind, what he didn't expect was the sight of Jimin glaring at him, his face nowhere showing any kind of happiness at the surprise visitor.

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