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        He stared at the mirror with a soft eyes, his eyes fixed on that one spot where his former best friend's eyes first lands on whenever they ran into each other in the university.

" They are fading", he murmured softly looking at the marks that still seemed so fresh. 

" But why me? Why did it have to be me? Why did I let it happen? What was wrong with me that I really do something like that?"

He chuckled softly, shaking his head, turning around. " I don't care if they are there or not. Because they taught me lessons I will never forget!!"

      Clicking his tongue he turns to fix his eyes on his reflection again, soft sighs leaving his mouth. He knew that he had to bear with this for at least another week and hoped they wouldn't last even after that. 

" I really was an idiot!" he mumbled, shaking his head in exasperation.

       Feeling a bit dizzy, he placed his arms on the sink leaning forward and closed his eyes and he couldn't help but let his mind wandered around everything that has been happening in his life fucking him up.

      And he didn't even realize how long he had been standing there and he was so lost that he didn't even hear the sound of door opening and closing and the one who entered the wash room was completely puzzled by the scene in front of him. 

" Why did you not come for lunch today?"

The brunette was snapped out of his thoughts by the familiar voice coming from behind and he abruptly turned around to face him, trying to mask his shock and fear.

" How long have you been here?" he asked, straight to the point, panic in his voice going unnoticed by the other.

Jimin gave him a puzzled look before shrugging. " Just now", he said while his gaze on Tae remained unfaltered. " Why? Is there something wrong?"

Tae gave him a weak smile, shaking his head. " No", he shakes his head again. " I didn't hear you coming in so I was just asking", he answered leisurely before turning to the mirror again.

After giving one more look into his neck he bent down and splashed some water on to his face, feeling the uneasiness washing away.

" It's going to be okay", he murmured softly to himself. And Jimin behind him was confused by this strange behavior.

" Is everything okay?" he asked hesitantly, not wanting to offend the younger somehow as he knows how moody he had been lately.

But the younger one just smiled at him biting his lips and Jimin knows what that look means. " Do you want something?" He asked carefully.

       And there he saw how Tae's shoulders fell on the question. But the next instant he looked up, looking straight into his eyes. Jimin could see the hesitation lingering in his features but Tae looked away slowly shaking his head eventually putting a veil over his emotions but Jimin knows better than to comply.

" Tae, do you need something?" he asked firmly and the younger looked back letting out a sigh. 

" Can you give me a hug?" he asked softly and Jimin was confused but seeing the uneasiness in the latter's eyes he didn't question it.

" Come here!" he nodded his head while opening his arms welcoming the younger who immediately stepped forward hugging him tightly.

     Jimin could feel the loud beating of Tae's heart which was only increasing then and he was honestly more scared than confused. So he immediately wrapped his arms around Tae and began to pat his back trying to calm him.

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