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     Desperate. That's what he is feeling right now as he looks around the place, even the calmness of  night he has been hopelessly in love with for almost five long years was making him suffocate now. Now he is going to move forward like this?

Worthless, That's something his dad never failed him to feel. And there was nothing of any sort of good he remembered of his dad or that place he has grown up in. 

     And the only sweet but painful memory he has of that prison he has been enclosed in was that of his mom, who also has done her fair share in hurting him.


    He really wants to know that why did all those he loved so much hurt him more than he could afford? 

    Why did they leave him alone in the cold wind when he had only looked up to them, in hope that they would never let him be lonely?

    But why did they leave him after saying that he is more than enough for them to stay?

    Why were they so cruel to break all the promises that they have made to him even when he asked not to?

   He sighed trying to shake off the invading memories, the painful ones which had him suffer for too long that he's tired already, done carrying this baggage of guilt and remorse.

     He was tired of being like this, pushed away by all without an explanation or something that could make up for what they did to him.

    The only thing that he knew was that he can't stay here like this anymore. He needs to get off from here.

     He was too confused when he left the apartment yesterday, crying his eyes out with nothing fixed on his mind. 

     But where to? It's not like that he has another place if he leaves that place.

     Daegu was never an option for him. He has long ago decided that he's never going back to that place ever again. Once he graduated he was going to leave this country for good.


    He hasn't yet decided where to go. But the plan was to leave after graduation. But things seem to be moving at a rather high speed now.

    But instead of leaving to start a new life. He's going to end everything for good. No this is not an end for another beginning. But this time there is no more room for confusion and doubt.

     This is the end that is destined for him. Maybe it's his fate to never feel happy for once in his life. He was not living all these years but barely existing.

    Of course, there are some people who made it much easier for him. But they are the ones hurting him now. Driving him to the ends of insanity, forcing him to take a decision which he tried to avoid all these years.

    Maybe they never want him to choose this path. But they don't know how big of an effort their words and gestures have on the broken boy.

     Tae just stared blankly at the plethora of twinkling lights sparkling up the sky, letting them glitter around him. 

     He smiled sadly knowing that he is not going to see this enchanting sight ever again nor is he going to see anyone he was close to in the past.

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