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       Jimin sighed again as he laid on his back trying to decide what he should do about the rumors that's been circulating in full mode now.

      He has tried his best to avoid them and wait till they stop eventually but it is not an easy task when it concerns the love life of his best friend.

       All his attempts to warn Tae about Jungkook's new friendship have failed miserably because Tae was already preoccupied with something else. So nothing he said really seemed to have caused an impact on the brunette. 

     But Jimin couldn't stay still anymore. He is not a fool like everyone else to believe that there is nothing going on between Jungkook and Hayun.

       Hayun is not a shy person, Jimin knew from observing her all these days. She has other friends as well. But despite everything she hangs out with Jungkook everyday. And it wasn't sitting well with him. 

       Yet the most annoying part is that Tae has no idea about it. He is still to know about what his best friend is doing behind his back.

       But Jimin is determined to make Tae realize what's going on before it's too late. He is not going to sit and watch when they are steadfast on playing with the soft heart of his best friend. He should do something about it soon.

      But first he needs to let Tae know about everything. Jimin was still pushing away the urge to tell everything clearly instead of beating around the bush like he has been doing till now. 

       Because all his determination to have a direct confrontation would drain out once he sees how tired and stressed Tae was. The brunette seems to be down and deflated for the past few weeks now. And he doesn't want to make it worse.

        But now Tae is coming back to his old self, he is not going to wait anymore.

        It may seem to be a little cruel to deliver this unpleasant news when the boy is barely recovering from what has been eating him up. But Tae deserves to know that things are not the way they seem. He should know that not all people he trusts are not completely honest with him, that they do not have the best intentions for him.

      But he doesn't know how to start. He needs to convey the message without hurting the other too much. But still is it possible to inform someone that they were being played without hurting their feelings?

" So Tae," Jimin started cheerfully. " When are you going to get a lover?", he asked, turning to the other boy lying beside him.

 " You have been single for your whole life. We could have double dates if you start dating", he pouted.

      They've been in Jimin's dorms, cuddling together on the blonde's bed. It was a weekend so they needn't worry about the school even though Tae has plans of going back to his studio in the afternoon.

         Jimin waited for the other to respond but even after a minute there was no reply and it didn't seem to be coming any time sooner either.

      He sighed softly. Should he drop the plan? Tae seems to be disturbed already. It's better he doesn't make it worse.

     And if Jungkook comes to know about it in anyway which would be probably from this stupid lying beside him, it wouldn't be ending in a peaceful manner. 

       But just when he decided to drop the plan and get some sleep to forget everything, he heard the other laughing.

Jimin frowned, not understanding what was happening.

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