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       Jungkook sighed softly as he stared at the night sky longingly as the memories of the times he had spent at the same place, cuddling with his best friend flooded into his head.

      He smiled unconsciously remembering all the times he thought he was the happiest person in the whole world to have the most precious person by his side.

       But now the same memories are causing his heart to ache and his eyes to shed ceaseless  tears. And just when he thought he had no more tears to shed after the last night when he cried himself to sleep after failing to reach Tae, he again felt the familiar warmth in his eyes and the same pang in his chest.

       It's going to be the third night that is going to pass away after the brunette has vanished without any traces and he couldn't feel more guilty than he is feeling now.

      His mind is in chaos and the storm that has been raging within him wouldn't just subside. And he was feeling scared with each moment passing by. 

     He sighed heavily as he snuggled into the pillows, feeling the cold wind blowing around. And he couldn't help but hope that Tae is not still outside freezing himself like he did always.

       But he had a feeling that his prayers were not going to be answered because it's something that Tae used to do when he is upset and knowing very well why the boy has left without any clues, he knew that the brunette must be still outside, basking himself in the moonlight but not bothering about the cold.

" Please, baby, even if you are upset with me, don't stay outside in this cold weather. You will catch a fever and even if you feel sick, please come back to me. I'll take care of you", the ravenette let out as he stared at the world outside as if the words he uttered for the boy would reach him somehow.

      Jungkook is really conflicted now. What is he supposed to do now? He couldn't just sit here and hope everything would turn out to be okay magically.

       It's not going to happen. And he shouldn't keep this from his hyungs when it's necessary to tell them what happened because otherwise they would take this matter lightly when the situation is really grave.

 He needs to tell them everything. 

     Okay, he knew that he shouldn't have lied in the first place but he thought that it's going to be okay and Tae would be back before he even knew it. But no, that's not what is happening and he is not sure when the boy is going to come back.

      But unlike his hyungs who think that this is just another of Tae's unplanned trips in search of inspiration for his works, he is the only one who knows that's not it and what caused the boy to leave without any words.

      And Tae hasn't gone to any of his usual ventures but the boy left because he was not ready to still go on with the flow, he left because he was terribly upset with their maknae.

   And ever since he came back from the club on Friday, what has happened between the two has been flashing on in his mind without break, making him cry over it again and again. 

    And he has been doing a terrible job in masking his sorrow and that's the reason why he declined Hoseok's proposal to hang out in the mall today. Because the only person that he wanted to be with now, is not here and the thought was making him more upset. 

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