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    He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, and he could feel the strong wind hitting his body, creating shudders to arise from all the exhaustion he was feeling at the moment.

     Sighing deeply and reminiscing four faces that he would be grateful for forever, he lifted his foot up from the ground ready to take the final step. 

    But the next second before he could even realize it, a scream disrupted his solemn moment, piercing the peaceful silence of the night.

" Tae, no.."

    He turned around instantly, his face showing the displeasure for interrupting him but as soon as he saw who that was the frown changed to surprise and then to shock.

    And his soulmate who must have cried out to him, scared of his own wits was frozen on his spot as if he were unable to find his senses or voice now.

    And behind him were standing the group of people he once considered as his own friends and Yanah, who was equally shaken up as them all.

     Tae was annoyed to the core not liking this twist even a bit. He was supposed to have jumped already, not standing here and having a staring contest with all of them. 

" What do you want now?" he asked, not masking his annoyance.

" Tae, what are you doing?" Jimin asked, his voice trembling just like his body, still having not come out of the shock of having to witness something like that. " Have you lost your mind?"

    The other boys were still silent, rooted in their own spots not having yet to believe what they have just seen, the shock of having to see Tae standing at the edge of the cliff ready to jump, without even bothering about what's waiting in the depths for him.

     They knew when they reached at the footstep of the hill tracing his location that the boy had not come here to see the stars like he would do if it was a normal day. 

And they know more than well enough after reading the text that he sent to Yanah, what he was up to. And they were even expecting the worst case scenario of even not being able to see him anymore. 

But fortunately they were on time giving them the opportunity to stop the unwanted from occurring. But to see one of them standing at the edge ready to let go everything was not something you can see and be okay with.

Tae chuckled softly. " I asked what you wanted?"

Jimin looked at him bewildered, not knowing what he was supposed to do. " Don't step back", he shakes his head. 

" Please come back, don't let go.."

Tae looked at him with a puzzled expression, before he shook his head. 

" Don't change the topic", he said, firmly, ignoring his own shock of seeing all of them there when he thought that he's not going to see any of them again.

    And sighing deeply he shifted in his spot, about to take a step back which went unnoticed by his crying best friend and shocked friends.

But before he could another voice spoke up, calling out to him softly.

" Tae, don't move", It was the ravenette who was still frozen on his spot till then.

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