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   Jungkook remembers everything very well, how it all started. Well, how can he not when it was where his life was changed? In ceaseless measures?

     Well, at first when he was told about the dorm arrangements, he was not really happy that he was to share a room with another student. 

     And he was even more surprised because he  has been thinking that maybe being the son of chairman of the foundation that sponsors the college would at least give him some kind of privileges over the rest even if he never dared to expect something more from his dad after knowing him for ages.

    But still he had hoped that at least he could get to have a dorm all to himself but it wasn't what was planned for him. And when he finally moved into the dorms half-heartedly,  he found himself struggling to cope with his roommate whom he found weird and annoying in every sense. 

       The guy was not someone who has been resented by the others. In fact, they all had found him as a funny and outgoing person. But Jungkook couldn't take him in that sense.

       And all he thought of him was as someone who doesn't know how to respect the boundaries that shouldn't be crossed.

       And the younger when he started with the college wasn't really planning to let the others know about his family background and use it to his advantage. In fact he was just planning to lay low and spend his university days in peace with no more annoying people swooning over him. 

       But unfortunately that was not what happened. Because his dad has once again done him the favor and taken away his hopes of an uneventful life by appearing in the college with no prior notice being sent and then asking him to meet him at the dean's office.

      And even when knowing that it was a hopeless wish he didn't stop himself from hoping that this incident wouldn't be known to others and won't change anything for him. 

      But he has seen the students shooting curious gazes at him when the chairman was busy preaching how proud his mom would be for him to make it to this place which was her dream for him.

      He actually wanted to roll his eyes so badly at this unprecedented act of showing affection. But he didn't want to cause any more issues with his dad. So he let him do whatever he wanted to if it could make him more content.

      But then what he feared had happened. The word spread around of him being the only son of the chairman and the successor to the mighty empire of Jeons. 

       And the next thing he knew was getting offers from all the student bodies of the university requesting him to join them which of course he rejected without much thought.


      But just when he was done with everything and started thinking that he has everything in control, something occurred that has had a lasting impact on his life.

      It was an unexpected room swap and suddenly he has no more annoying roommates to deal with. 

      But just when he started to think that it was because of his dad who seemed to have finally done something worthwhile, he was told that he has no roommate currently because the other boy couldn't join the college till after a month because of an accident he got into lately.

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