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" Where is Jungkook?", Jin asked, looking around looking for the younger one who had been present there just a second ago.

But now the boy is nowhere to be seen.

Jimin just shrugged. " He went to get Tae, after I told him he was still there".

Jin sighed, an amused look present in his face. " From his department?"

Jimin smiled nodding.

" He is really being too much. He knows that Tae could come here by himself. Yet he wants to go there to get him", he chuckled.

      They were all done with their lunch, but since the classes would only resume later than usual, due to some kind of faculty meeting, they decided to stay back for a little more time.

     It was only Yoongi and Tae missing from the table today. Yoongi had an important meeting with his team while Tae was still engrossed with his project.

" He said that if he let Tae come by himself, he would stop here and there to chat with other people. And that's a clear waste of time, according to him", Hoseok said, grinning.

" Of course, Tae talking with anyone other than him is a waste of time for him", Jimin let out, sarcasm evident in his eyes.

" Why did you tell him Tae was planning to stop by?" Jin asked, a little bit surprised.

He was really surprised why Jimin would do something of a kind which would give Jungkook more chances to spend with Tae.

" I was just trying to give him some false hope because I was sure that Tae wouldn't come at all even if he said so", Jimin sighed.
" But I didn't know he would go there to get him!"

Jin let out yet another long sigh.
" Now I don't even know what to say about those two. Can't they just confess to each other. Too much to be straight!!"

" Jin, maybe you should stop with that", Namjoon intervened, shaking his head.
" What if there is nothing like that between them? Maybe the bond they share is just platonic. And they may actually be straight as they say", he said, trying to reason.

  Jin shot him an unimpressed look, clearly disagreeing.

      Jimin has the same unimpressed look on his face as he looked at two.

" Are you also just blind like them?", he asked, while the other two just sighed, seeing where this was going. 
" It's high time they should do something about this. They are clearly into each other, I swear. It's just a matter of time they are gonna be a couple".

" For that one of them should confess", Hoseok said. " But I don't think those two dummies would ever have the guts to do that. They are really hopeless!!"

" Just let them be, Jin. Don't try to do anything", Namjoon piped in. " There is no guarantee that they would start dating even if one of them confesses".

The other three groaned.
" Can you please stop being pessimistic?", Jin asked.
" What could go wrong when anyone could see how much they love each other?"

" You never know", Namjoon shrugged, getting up and walking out.

Jin turned to the two surprised faces.
" Did he just walk out on me?", he gritted his teeth. " What did I even do?"

Jimin sighed. " Hyung, even if you two fight because of those oblivious idiots, nothing would come out of it!"

Jimin frowned. " I'm not going after him. He is just salty that I'm right, always!!"

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