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" Ignoring me, huh?" Jimin chuckled softly as he stood beside the ravenette, of course leaving a meter between them. 

      After all, he is not in a position to stand just near the boy who is now sitting at the edge of the rooftop. 

Jungkook shakes his head, done with the stubborn boy. " Hyung, for god's sake", he muttered. " Leave me alone. I'm not in the mood for a chit chat with you", he sighed.

      Jungkook didn't want to sound so bitter and be rude to the older boy who seemed to be exceptionally patient and understanding towards him these days. 

      But he could never forget about the role of Jimin in this misery he is being forced to endure with no hopes to regain what he has lost because of him.

       As much as he doesn't want to still dwell on the past and put blame on his hyung, there is no doubt that Jimin has contributed enough for everything that led to their fall out as Tae calls it. 

    That boy has a kind of impact on others that's unavoidable. Tae confessed to him because of the pressure put on him by Jimin even when he doesn't want to.

      And Jimin's unwanted interference in their relationship made Jungkook cautious over his behavior with Tae, making him control himself without slipping. 

      And that has had a bad impact on his relationship with the boy making him ignorant of the stress Tae was going through when he had been helping out Hayun.


      Heavy silence fell upon them as they sat there staring at the world slipping to a deep slumber. But the serenity around them was not what was echoing in their minds but it was chaos.

" What are you staring at?" Jimin asked after a while as he took a seat a little bit away from the younger. 

    He was getting tired of the silence even though it was peaceful. Because he was not someone who could stay longer without anything being said.

Jungkook sighed seemingly tired, he shrugged then. " My mom", he said softly.  " She must be somewhere up there, looking at me with her smiling face", he smiled sadly, a dry chuckle leaving his mouth. 

" She didn't smile much after she got married to dad though. I have never seen her smiling when he is around", he said, looking forward not wanting the other to see the pain etched on his face.

     Jimin stared at him with a frown for a while before looking away. It was the first time he had heard him talking about her and it was not giving him a pleasant feeling.

      Because as much as he wanted to say anything that could console the younger he didn't know what to say.

      Because he is not really that useful when it comes to comforting people he is not closer to. And Jungkook was just one of them even though they belonged to the same circle of friends and their never-ending series of conflicts was also posing a barrier.

     And moreover the situation in his home was entirely different and he couldn't relate to whatever Jungkook was trying to say. Because despite being so strict and uncompromising, his parents are always the most lovely couple in his eyes.

    But as Jimin was trying to find ways to bring a little comfort to the younger, the other was already out of it.

" What was Tae's relationship with his mom like?" he heard the younger asking, curiosity lacing his tone.

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