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" What the fuck are you saying, Jungkook?" Namjoon asked, his voice laced with confusion and annoyance.

" Nonsense?" the boy just shakes his head. " Why do you say that it's  nonsense? I'm just telling the truth and letting him know of something that he should have known years ago.."

    But in the midst of all the arguments that were raised, Jimin was frozen in his seat, unable to believe it.

 Tae's mom passed away? How? When?

     Dead silence fell over the group, causing the tension building to thicken and none of the four older boys have any idea how to deal with it.

And it was Jimin shriek which broke the silence eventually. " No, " he sobbed, his lips wobbling. " You are lying, you are only trying to make me sad. She's not dead, I'm sure. If she did, he would have told me. He's my soulmate and he wouldn't have kept it from me", he sniffed.

     Jungkook remained silent while the rest looked around each other not knowing what to do with the information.

       It was a complete shock for all of them who had heard enough of her from the little discussions taking place between the soulmates. 

      And never in a million times have they thought about something like this from the stories and excuses that Tae has in his hand whenever Jimin pleads with him to take him to Daegu with him. 

    Jimin was sobbing hard on Yoongi's shoulders who seemed to be frozen by the sudden shift in air and the ravenette simply looked out of the window, at the myriads of stars lining up in the sky.

" The signs were always there", he started. " Him visiting her only on her birthday and another specific date on each year which is on the day she left him....His love for the stars in the night sky, His reluctance to discuss more about her and his denial to let you talk with her even on phone", he sighed. " But you were too thick-skilled to notice!"

     Jimin shakes his head as he clutches around Yoongi who protectively wrapped his arms around him and let him cry on his shoulders even if it was causing to soak his shirt. 

    But he could only care less about it than his boyfriend who had gone limp in his embrace.

" I don't know", Jimin said in a trembling voice.  " I didn't know anything when I was constantly asking him to take me to Daegu to visit her", he cried. " God! I'm horrible! My baby must have suffered so much because of me!"

   Jungkook sighed but he slightly tensed up at the endearment glaring at Jimin which only earned groans from the other silent trio.

 " You were a horrible friend in all senses", he said, making the rest look at him bewildered. " If you weren't so keen on having his attention on you always, and weren't really probing into his relationship with me, this could have been avoided!"

     Jimin shakes his head burying his face into Yoongi's neck who was growing agitated with the insensitivity of their maknae. 

    But how could they blame him when he was the only one who was aware of how much Tae was holding in while having to endure Jimin's persistent arguments and whines of not being able to talk with her again.

" Jungkook, stop blaming him", he tried to defend his boyfriend. " He wouldn't have kept on going on about her if Tae had been honest with him from the start and told him about his mom's death", he said.

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