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       Jungkook's childhood was a happy one, brought up in all riches and love. He was the only child to his parents. But never did he feel the loneliness that may have brought it for him. Never did he feel the need to be jealous of his friends who have either younger or elder siblings to play with back in their homes while he has none of the sort on his own.

       He was happy with what he had. And he never wanted a sibling who may have forced him to share the affection he was getting from his doting parents until then. And even as a little kid he found it really difficult to let others even touch whatever he owned.

       And his parents who only were amused whenever the possessiveness in him surfaced, didn't actually find a need to correct him either. At least, he would not let someone take anything that belongs to him. Right?

       And yeah, the boy was extremely content with his life and he was happy that he has the sweetest people as his parents. At least that's what he thought until he saw with his own eyes that all those years when he thought he couldn't be more blessed to have such a sweet home, he was living a lie. He was just entangled in a web of lies woven by his so-called parents.

      He was merely fourteen when he realized that there was so much going on unnoticed by his eyes, hidden behind the candied and amorous gazes and actions his parents threw at each other in front of him. And the boy was shattered when he witnessed for the first time his dad slapping his mom for something that she said or did just because it was not of his consent.

     The fourteen year old was bewildered by what he saw through the partly opened doors of his parents bed room and it has taken place on a school day when he was supposed to be in school but he wasn't because he has came back because of a reason which has been already pushed off in to the reign of oblivion. 

       But he has not yet forgotten the image of his dad hitting her right across her cheeks while yelling how much of a reckless woman she is for not obeying what he has asked her to.

     And from then on the then fourteen year old boy has started taking notice of things which till then has been missed from his notice, and no sugar coating words or action or the lovey- dovey acts pulled by his parents were enough to erase the memory far etched on his mind even if he wants to so badly. 

   After all, he was still a child, spoiled and pampered by everyone around him not having any idea about the world around him. And which child wants to cherish such horrible memories in his mind instead of the sweet ones he has mostly been a witness to. He just wants to forget that day and go back to thinking how perfect his family is. 

       But he couldn't and from then on instead of smiling at all the love his parents showed towards each other he was trying hard not to roll his eyes or question them of what he did saw that day or the days that followed then on.

       His dad wasn't an abusive man who finds pleasure in torturing his wife. After all he did love his wife to some extent but not more than himself. He was someone with a short temper and one who loves to place himself over everything and everyone. And he couldn't afford him being the one in control of everything goes around or someone goes against his wishes.

     And all the times the chaos broke out between the couple because his wife was not someone who likes to be supervised too much but he wants her to obey him in each step forward and the woman was not someone daring enough to question him or go against him either. 

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