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       He sighed as he glanced down at his watch. It's almost lunch time and his friends must be already there waiting for him. 

     And Tae didn't want it to happen but unfortunately it has been already three days since he had not been able to sit with them during lunch. 

     Because he had been too busy with the project his mentor had assigned him out of the blue. And knowing how much of a greatest opportunity it was to receive such a task, he couldn't say no even if it could get him too tired and stressed because of the almost approaching deadline.

      Tae let out a tired sigh as he rubbed his temple softly. It has been a trying day and he was exhausted to the core.

      But soon a faint smile bloomed in his lips, a feeling of accomplishment filling him. At least he has managed to complete the art piece he has been working on even when his mind was in a mess.

       He closed the locker and leaned his back against it, finally feeling able to breathe properly.

      He has been working on it without a break, almost shutting himself in the studio because he didn't want anyone to disturb him. But at least all the hard work has paid off and the work has turned out better than he imagined.

     But his peaceful moment was interrupted soon enough and Tae opened his eyes and turned to his left sensing a presence nearby.

     But his confused expression soon turned to a concerned one seeing the intruder.

" Oh...Yuna?", he smiled kindly at the girl who seemed to be a little nervous.

      He raised his eyebrows questioningly wondering who it is this time dare to mess with her. But the girl remained silent, her eyes fixed on the floor as she fiddled with her fingers.

And Tae was getting worried seeing how nervous she was.

 " What is it? Everything is alright? Is anyone bothering you again?",he threw questions one after another, feeling something is definitely off.

She looked up immediately, her eyes widening. But she shook her head instantly seeing him opening his mouth to speak again.

"It... It's not t...that", she stuttered. " But", she paused herself before looking at him indecisively. " I don't know if I should really tell you", she frowned.

Tae narrowed his eyes at her not understanding what the other was trying to say.

" You can tell me,'' he offered softly. " I would do anything to make it alright, whatever it is. Don't worry. You don't have to get scared", he said firmly, already feeling agitated.

     What kind of people are here in this place that they can't just leave everything behind even after all the time he politely asked them to leave her alone? Won't they ever learn? What even is the issue with them being so stubborn?

     He fisted his palms unconsciously, already decided to take some strict action against this stupid bullying in the university this time instead of giving mere warnings likes everytime.

" It's not like that", the girl said, suddenly cutting his line of thoughts as if she sensed what he was thinking .

" It's nothing related to them", She said looking down again, fidgeting with her fingers and Tae could only wonder what is it about if not it's nothing related to her bullies.

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