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" Anyways, I'm and I'll always be her favorite boy", Jimin sang merrily. " Even Tae is second to me!!"

" You wish!" the said brunette scoffed from where he was seated on the couch.

" I'm really tired of this nonsense!" Jungkook said, getting up. Tae, who was leaning against his shoulder, nearly fall down from the couch but Jungkook was quick to hold him before he hit the floor.

" Why did you stand up without giving me a warning?" he frowned, swatting away Jungkook's arms away from him, as he sat back on the couch again.

Jungkook sighed. " You would have known that I was about to get up if you weren't so immersed in playing that stupid game!"

" Piano tiles is not stupid!" Tae defended.

" Of course, not!" The ravenette scoffed as he walked to the dining room where everyone else was present.

And Jimin, who was sitting on a couch near to the open balcony adjacent to the dining room, snorted loudly.

" Tae is busy unlocking his favorite songs! Don't tease him!"

" Yeah, and he could say no to my invites!" the younger scoffed as focused on choosing  from the snack packets piled up on the table.

It was just another of their hang out nights at the older couple's shared apartment. 

" I was busy with my painting that time", Tae yelled from the living room.

" Why are you even explaining?" the younger asked. " Focus on your game!"

     The rest of them remained silent watching the duo bickering with each other. It was very unusual. Because the hangout nights were always known for the banter between Jungkook and Jimin.

      But today for a change, the younger one seems to have a change of partner.

      The silence grew and after the younger had asked Tae to explain there weren't any more words passed. And Tae has really obeyed the ravenette.

Jin bit his lips looking at the sulking maknae.

 " Well, Tae is really obedient", he said quietly. 

" You know, he never goes against your words!"

     But that did nothing to pacify the younger even a bit. He pouted slightly as he took a seat around the dining table near Hoseok , who had a worried expression plastered on his face.

" He is just too engrossed in his game!" he tried. " Maybe you should ask him to stop playing?"

Jungkook glared at him. " He will come back once he gets bored!"

" No one would get bored of piano tiles", Jimin voiced out and the older boys turned to him with stern gazes. " It's a really soothing game! He really need something like that to calm himself down while dealing with all this stressing projects"

      Jungkook didn't say anything. He just let out a sigh before looking out of the room through the balcony.

      He was really not very happy about the situation. Just when he thought that he could hang out with the older as he is out of his unexpected moody phase, now that idiot is bewitched by a boring mobile game which for him is nothing but just a waste of time.

What is even exciting about this stupid game? 

      And the worst part for the younger is that the stupid baby of his has been continuously rejecting his invites for Overwatch even! And that was when he became really upset. 

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