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       Tae sighed as he opened his inbox only to get disappointed again. Because there is no new mail from that particular person he has already got two.

        This is getting out of his hand. He has already lost count of the number of times this has been happening but still it didn't stop him from doing it again and again. 

     .Because he is desperate to hear from her once more even if it's not the answers that he's looking for.

     His grip on the device tightened, his inner turmoil getting the best of him. He knew that he needs to be patient and not act on emotions even if it's too much to hold them in without giving a way to let them out.

      But is it really an easy thing to do? To not let our emotions control you even though we hide them so carefully from the world?

     He throws the phone aside before he loses his mind and throws it out of the window and sees it ending up in the farthest edge of the bed where he has been laying down for hours with no intention of moving from.

       Tae was honestly tired and stressed. He knew he was really a fool to wait for another message when it's just a miracle that he started receiving them in the first place.

      He knows what's going on and he knows that he's only making a fool out of him by waiting for them as if it's his last chance to receive the answers for the questions that have been bugging him for years. 

      And yes he was right about that part. This is his last and final chance to know something at least, or get actually those answers if he is lucky enough even though he knew what they could do. 

      Either it may take away the pain that he has been endeavoring for years and instead give him the solace he has been yearning for or it could destroy him completely.

      But despite getting a new light out of nowhere which could guide him out of the dark abyss he was trapped in, he wasn't patient enough to wait. So he tried his best to find the answers in a more convenient way only to end up failing and leading to his own distress. So now he could only wait for something more.

     Restless and gloomy that's what all this mess has been making him.

       Because it has gotten him entangled into a vicious cycle where he kept on waiting for her to send him something and then tear apart when he finally receive one and still wipe away his tears and hope to hear from her one more time when all the messages he has received and still to be received seemed to have only one purpose, his fall.

     He is ready to wait even though he is tired. Because he has to. There is no other way out. Maybe after this, he could finally find a way out of this labyrinth of past regrets and sorrows that he is trapped in.

Tae chuckled dryly as he stared at the ceiling.

     He couldn't understand why this had to happen for him. He just wants to forget everything and live peacefully because after all, it's not entirely his fault. Right?

      .  He had done everything he could do even when it's too hard to not crumble down. He has tried not to let his emotions get to him and destroy everything he has been building up through the years. He has put on a tough exterior so that they wouldn't see what is inside him.

     Yet in the end he failed, or rather he was betrayed by the one he has been fighting for. He failed to prevent it from happening. 

     Still what could he do when he never had the slightest idea that something like this could exist within her?

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