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       Jungkook lied when he said that he had failed to find the boy that night. Because he did find him, in the parking lot leaning against his car already lost in thoughts.

      The ravenette approached him slowly, heaving another sigh of relief finally able to see him without any harm.

       The relief that he could feel at the moment was inexpressible. But as soon as he neared him he was somewhat puzzled seeing the frown that was plastered on the brunette's face. 

     He seems to be so lost in his thoughts that he wasn't even aware of a presence nearby. And the moody look of the boy caught the younger of guards because he doesn't remember something like this to have happened before.

" Tae", he called reluctantly causing the other to snap out of his thoughts instantly and Jungkook stared in disbelief seeing how his best friend nearly flinched at the sudden interruption.

And Tae turned to him, his face displaying an expression unrecognizable.

" What?", he questioned, the words coming out strained and Jungkook felt himself getting tensed at the coldness his voice held.

" Are you alright?", he asked slowly, trying to be careful with his words even though he doesn't know why he is becoming anxious all of a sudden.

       Because after all it's Tae, his precious baby who couldn't stay upset even if it's for a minute. But there was something about the way Tae has stared back at him inside the club that has been making him nervous and confused.

Tae chuckled dryly, turning away. " Do you want me to be honest?", he asked, his voice laced with sarcasm and Jungkook doesn't know whether he wants an honest answer right now when Tae doesn't seem fine. 

       And somehow he has been feeling that Tae's sudden shift has something to do with him even though he has done nothing to make the boy angry at least knowingly.

      He wanted to say No. Because he was feeling a warning going inside his head. But blaming himself for being so delusional and paranoid, he nodded his head firmly.

" Yeah, don't lie to me", he breathed out, his voice coated with seriousness despite the tension lingering around them

Tae chuckled again. " Do you know how many times you have been lied to by me lately though?", he asked, raising his brows and the other frowned instantly.

Jungkook looked skeptical wondering what all this was about and he was not feeling good about the situation.

" Answer my question", but he heard himself saying.

And Tae shook his head. " I'm not fine", he said softly, yet his voice was laced with sheet seriousness.

      Jungkook stared at the boy, his mind going crazy. Tae is not fine? What is going on and how did it go unnoticed by him? What does all this mean?

       But before he could ask anything Tae started again and it was something that the ravenette was the least prepared for. 

" I had not been fine ever since that I heard that Hayun is your ex", he said softly and Jungkook couldn't even believe that he was hearing things right.

" And I was really upset after I heard that you had dated her for almost six months before she graduated and left", he added after a few minutes of silence.

      And Jungkook was still in a state of shock, unable to say anything. He honestly hasn't seen this coming, not at all. But how did Tae know about it? 

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