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Tae shakes his head. " No, whatever reason you are doing that..I'm sure it's a valid one!!" he shrugged.

Jimin chuckled softly, raising his eyebrow. " I would have stopped if you asked me", he said.

Tae rolled his eyes. " I didn't tell you to stop", he said irritatedly.

" You can do whatever you want!!"

Jimin smirked. " So you want me to bully her for you?" he mused, 

Tae frowned. " When did I ask you to bully her?", he scoffed. " I only said that I don't care what you do?"

Jimin shakes his head, chuckling. " Just admit that you are helpless in this situation and want me to back you up!"

Tae sighed, looking away. " And why do you think so?"

Jimin cocked his brow. " You are helpless because the boy who you are in love with is now paying no attention to you, but is always hanging out with the girl he claims to be a mere acquaintance!'' he said, smirking. " Seems like you are not even more important than a mere acquaintance! How unfortunate!!"

Tae gritted his teeth. " Jimin, stop with your nonsense!"

" Sure, if that could help you to have your beauty sleep at night!" Jimin shot back, not ready to back down.

Tae sighed softly, his face showing tiredness. " Why are you being like this?" he asked softly.

       Jimin looked at him with a concerned gaze seeing how exhausted the boy was. But still why does Tae choose to get hurt like this when he could easily avoid it with a confrontation.

" Because I'm worried for you", Jimin spoke up after moments of silence. " And I'm tired of seeing you pretending to be okay when you are not!!"

" I'm okay", Tae mumbled even though anyone could clearly see that it wasn't the case.

And Jimin was no exception. " Sure! I can tell", he mocked even though he himself knows that he shouldn't be so persistent with this.

Tae looked at him with a sigh even though he was trying his best not to snap at the other. " You don't know everything", he said.

Jimin shakes his head, not ready to comply. " All I need to know is that you are hurting and he's the reason for it!!"

         Tae looked at him puzzled, not understanding who Jimin is referring to, a slight panic rising within him. But sooner the realization of what Jimin was trying to say got to him which made him frown instantly.

" No, he is not", he said firmly but his weak protest wasn't enough for Jimin to change his mind.


" It's him", he said. " If it wasn't for him to ignore you for that bitch, you wouldn't be feeling so down like this!!"

Jimin shakes his head, an unamused look on his face. " You are okay with all these?" he snarled at the younger one. " He's ignoring you for god's sake!!

" No, he's not, Jimin!" Tae snapped done with the other. He was trying his best not to let his emotions show because he doesn't know where that would lead him to. "  I don't know what is happening with you now!"

Jimin cocked his brow at the other, chuckling then. " Okay, then why is he with her all the time?"

Tae sighed softly. " That's not true", he said sternly even though the other didn't buy it.

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