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" Jimin, you forgave him?" Tae looked at the boy, with a dejected expression. 

" So easily? Why did you do that? Did you forget about your plan of making him regret what he did?" He sighed as he ran his fingers through his brown locks trying to contain his frustration.

" Why are you being so hard with him?" Jimin asked tiredly.

" Because I care for you", the other retorted. " And you are seriously asking me this instead of doing what is best for you?"

      It's not that Tae has anything against Yoongi, even though he is not much fond of him for treating Jimin like he does.

     And his opinion of Yoongi has changed a lot over this time they were all together. He knows Yoongi is not a bad person or is using Jimin for just his own benefits.

      But still that doesn't mean that he would appreciate what Yoongi has been doing and where his priorities lie. 

" But Tae what did he even do wrong to be treated like that when he loves me so much and he himself is feeling bad for not spending enough time with me?" Jimin tried to reason which only annoyed the other even more.

Tae glared at him. " Tell this to yourself when you seek me out next time to complain about your boyfriend", he deadpanned.

Jimin shakes his head, sighing.

" But Tae, I really can't do that even. I am really angry with him for neglecting me all the time and hanging out with others", he mumbled scanning around the place making sure no one other than them are in the corridor now.

     Of course, maybe he is just paranoid, because most of the students are in the classes as they should, considering this is a class hour.

      But still he didn't need anyone to know about his situation with Yoongi when all the fellow students only knew about their perfect love story and not about the real one.

" Then why did you forgive him?"

     Jimin turned to the other boy at the question, blinking his eyes. But he sighed as he understood the message.

He gulped nervously before rushing to answer the other.
" It felt too good and I didn't want to complicate things by doing that without actually making up with him!"

" Jimin? " Tae's voice was stern and it went shivers down the older's spine. " What did you do?"

Jimin looked down cursing himself for going against Tae's instructions.
" Sorry, you know that I have no control when it-"

" Save it!" Tae scoffed at his best friend who nearly flinched at the harsh tone. 
" Don't come to me the next time he ditches you for someone else", he said firmly before shutting his locker close and storming away.

      Jimin could only sigh sadly looking at the retreating figure of the younger with a pained look.

" Just because your boy has eyes for only you and he wants to be with you all the damn time, doesn't mean everyone thinks that way!"

      Jimin sighed tiredly. What is he supposed to do now?

    He knew very well that Tae is right. That they really have to have a proper conversation if they actually want this relationship to have a future.

      But it's not easy as said, and he doesn't want to risk what they have by confronting Yoongi when he has been trying his best to pay attention to Jimin.

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