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Tae smiled sheepishly. " Did I wake you up?" he scratched his nape.

 But he was careful enough to not make any noise. Right? Then why is Jimin looking at him like that?

Jimin sighed before pulling himself into a sitting position, and moved a pillow to the headrest and leaned against it. " I wasn't sleeping in the first place!"

     Tae quirked his brows ready to shoot questions. But he decided against it after seeing the dull expression plastered on Jimin's face as he lowered his gaze, fixing it on his lap.

Jimin shakes his head. " It's nothing", he mumbled softly.

And Tae was getting more worried now.

 " Why are you here again?" he asked carefully, not wanting to offend the boy who seems to be nowhere calm like he is trying to showcase.

Jimin let out another sigh, a long one this time. " This is where I used to spend time whenever I visited Yoongi!"

Tae nodded, not ready to interrupt and let the other continue. 

" And no, I didn't come here for him this time", he said, answering the question that was going on in the brunette's head.

" I came here because I had a terrific headache during the practice. So I told Hobi that I'm going and came here somehow!"

     Tae raised his eyebrows questioningly for a moment before he forced a smile on his face. He could tell Jimin is lying even though he doesn't know why his friend is doing that.


       If his attempts to avoid the questioning eyes of the brunette and the way he kept on fighting didn't give him away, Tae would clearly understand the boy is lying from what he said right now.

But Tae decided not to pose questions when Jimin seemed to be so down and distressed.

He sighed, taking a seat beside the other in the bed. " Are you okay, now?"

Jimin turned to him with a frown. " Does it look like that?"

Tae shakes his head. " No, don't get angry now! I was just asking!"

Jimin groaned loudly, rubbing his temple before he turned to the brunette.

 " I lied earlier", he mumbled. " I didn't leave the class because I was tired!"

      Tae nodded his head deciding not to interrupt but seeing how Jimin was not showing any intention to open his mouth again, he decided there is no use in waiting.

" Why are you here anyway?" He asked softly.

Jimin let out another sigh, pushing his face into his palms groaning into it.

" I came here looking for Yoongi", he started his gaze flickering between the curious eyes of his best friend and the dull wall behind him.

" We had a fight last week and it was partially my fault. So even after he decided not to apologize when he too was responsible for all the mess that was caused I decided to be the bigger person and I  apologized to him but there was still this weird feeling of awkwardness between us. So I didn't dare to contact him for the next three days giving him enough time to clear his thoughts", Jimin scoffed and Tae could clearly tell where this was all going.

" And guess what?" Jimin exclaimed a sarcastic chuckle leaving his mouth.

 " I came here today because I felt like wanting to see him but they told me that he's gone for a meeting in some other college regarding the upcoming matches!"

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