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       Tae sighed as he opened his inbox which already has 99+ new mails. He let out another sigh. 


 Now he has to pick out the one he is looking for in this sea of mails whose sources he has no clear idea of.

    He has opened the main inbox because he doesn't know which email address that he has given them.

    There are a lot of the usual junk ones which he has to clear before he starts searching for the one he is looking for.

     But he is already running out of time and he has only opened this now because he has no choice.

    Maybe he should have given this task to Jungkook or Jimin. But Jungkook is busy with his own project and Jimin is not in the right state of mind these days thanks to his dearest boyfriend.

Maybe he could find it.

    He glanced at the contact card that was placed beside the laptop.

    There were three contacting emails and the message must be sent from one of these.

    After he made sure he had familiarized the user names he shifted his attention back to the screen.

     Tae was actually searching for the mail from a particular art institute in the city who has promised to include his works in the exhibition they are going to hold next week.

     Last week when he had a meeting with them, they told him that they would send the necessary details and further information via mail this week and to know whether they had already sent the mail was the reason he took a break from the studio and came back to his dorm room.

     He scrolled up and down as he searched for those usernames.

    But that's when he stopped. He wants to scroll down again to make sure he hasn't actually seen something that he thought he saw.

     And with a pounding heart he scrolled down the new mails, but this time much slower.

     He stopped moving his fingers and his eyes was fixed on the particular mail.

" Kim Seoyun?" He scoffed. " What the fuck!"

Tae leaned back on his seat with a frown.

 " Is this a prank or something?"

Tae looked around the room patting his chest, trying to calm his heart.

" What kind of a sick joke is this!" He gritted his teeth.

The mail was sent just yesterday and Tae has no idea what to feel.

" Should I open it?"

" Oh god!" he muttered slowly as he leaned back on the chair, staring at the screen.

    He has already lost the purpose and enthusiasm. He rubbed his temple in frustration.

     He didn't want to open the mail because he was scared to see what's inside. And he was still in a daze and was unable to believe it's happening for real.

    The mail has been sent to the first email id he has made years ago. And it did make sense because that may be the only one she had known.

    He sighed before stretching his hand to take hold of the mouse. And with trembling hands he clicked on the mail.

     The mail opened and he could see the message. It wasn't much. Just a few sentences. But that was enough to shake the boy.

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