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" Fuck! Where is this brat?" Hayun cursed under her breath as she clicked on the call button for the nth time that morning.

        She sighed as she saw how her call went unanswered again. But she couldn't stop trying to reach him because she has to return the books that he has lended her for her to finish her assignments and reports. 

       Now she is trying to call him so that he could tell where and when she could hand it over, but he is  adamant on rejecting the calls.

       And this sudden shift in the younger's behavior was honestly weirding her out. And she even suspects that he's doing it purposefully. 

       And if there were any specific or logical reasons for him to act like this, she would have confirmed that he's ignoring her.

     Maybe he's too busy with trying to complete his own works which he has been postponing inorder to help her.

      Letting out a small sigh she decided to stop calling him. Maybe he will call back once he's free. But it's been a day since this has been going on. And that thought made a frown appear on her face.

He's not ignoring her. Right?

     But her frown didn't even take a second to turn into a smile when her eyes fell on a certain brunette at the farthest end of the hallway, who seemed to be busy with his mobile.

     She raised his eyebrows in confusion. Jungkook is not even with Tae, so where did this boy disappear into?

      Okay, if he won't answer her calls, maybe she should choose another way to find the younger one. And patting herself mentally for coming up with the best solution, she marched away briskly to the boy who was still unaware of her approaching him.

" Hey, Tae! Did you see Jungkook?" She asked the younger, putting on a cheerful smile. 

    And her smile only widened when he switched off his mobile and looked up.

        But the smile adorning her face vanished as soon as he met with his eyes which were anything but his usual soft ones. And it made her insides churn when he continued to stare at her with that cold gaze of his which she never expected to receive from the boy.

        Hayun was confused to the core. Because the brunette she had seen till now always has a soft smile lingering in his lips and not an icy cold glare as that is etched on his face as of now.

" Is everything okay", she couldn't help but wonder why he is glaring at her.

      She didn't do anything to make him upset. Right? That was the thought running through her mind as she felt so lost under his intimidating gaze.

" Just get lost", he gritted out as if he is holding himself back from saying something worse that actually she deserves but he is not going to do it.

    And that exactly was the case. He was trying his best not to create a scene by lashing out at the girl.

       And he couldn't even understand how she has the audacity to come before his eyes after what she has been doing to him.

" What?" Hayun asked, feeling so lost.

Tae only gave her an annoyed look. " You heard me", he said, not even bothering to hide the disdainful look that made his face.

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