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" Jin, is 10000 hours not a love song? As in the one you sings to your lover?

     Jin whipped his head towards the ravenette who had asked the question out of the blue. He frowned slightly, not understanding why the younger one was asking it.

" Yeah, I think it is!" he shrugged before he turned around to go back to what he was doing. 

     He was just going through the script of the new project he was working with and he was doing just fine when the ravenette has walked in uninvited and without any kind of response to his questioning gaze occupied the couch near his table.

     Surprise was what he felt at first because Jungkook is not someone who is fond of such random visits unless it's to Tae's apartment room. 

      But then it was replaced with worry because they know that the younger was barely living with everything that's happening in his life and the huge void that has been created in his life by his dear best friend.

" I even sang that song for him", Jungkook chuckled as he stared out of the open balcony, remembering that night. " Yet he doesn't know how much I love him?"

Jin dropped down his pen on the table, before turning around in his seat to face the younger. " When did it happen?" he asked, the curiosity in his voice standing out.

Jungkook scoffed as he stared at the sky. " You don't have to know!" He muttered out, the anger bubbling up. " Not everything we do is not meant for the world to know!"

     Jin slumped on his seat, a soft sigh leaving his lips. He knew why the younger one seemed to be defensive about it. He knew that was all because of the amount of pain he has to endure just because of them. 

    But as much as he is sorry about all that he did and the rude attitude he has displayed towards the brunette ever since he came back, he couldn't really understand how Jungkook is able to forgive Tae so easily after what he has done. 

        And while Jungkook is here crying over his fate and the same one who has caused him the pain that's to last forever, the other seems to have already forgotten about everything that they have once shared and has already started anew with someone else by his side.

        But Jin still knew that it was not really Jungkook's fault, maybe Tae was also not at fault. But at least, the boy could tell them what has actually happened right? 

       Jin was terribly upset after Tae refused to talk to him even when it was to apologize for being mean to him. But there was nothing to do because he knew that he had hurted the younger so much even though it wasn't his intention. 

       He was just trying to get some sense into the boy for being so insensitive to the one who has been nothing but extremely sweet and affectionate to him since they have been around each other.

      And months ago they couldn't even say anything harsh to the boy and they were always looking out for him not because he couldn't take care of himself but the boy somehow always evoked that caring attitude in everyone he has been closer to. 

      They couldn't help but take it to themselves to be protective over him. But now they have been the ones who hurt the same one.

       But what were they supposed to do when they saw how much he was changing right in front of their eyes? And how could they sit still and do nothing when they could do something about it and try to make sure that the younger wouldn't do anything reckless?

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