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    Jungkook looked at him puzzled, not understanding what that meant. " Sorry?"

     He looked at him confused, not understanding what the brunette was trying to say. His mind was a mess, all the unwanted thoughts gushing in but he tried to push them away not wanting to be negative when something good has happened to him finally.

Tae sighed softly, looking back at the other. " I was saying that you should forget everything that has happened, good or bad..", He said. " Because holding on to those memories would only hurt us more.."

" Hold on..." Jungkook was quick to interject, not letting him continue. " I can't understand what you are trying to say..", He panted. " It's not making any sense.. please be clear with your words.."

Tae tried to hold back the words he was going to say, but he had to. " I'm trying to say that I already forgiven you", he drew on. " But you have to forget me.."

The smile that the ravenette was forcing to keep on his lips fell. " What are you trying to say, Tae?" he asked, exasperated. " I thought..", he stopped himself from going on because voicing it out would only hurt him more.

Tae shakes his head, raising his eyebrow. " Do we still have a chance?" he frowned. "No..not after everything that happened..not after how you treated me..", he tried to not be bitter because it wasn't fully the ravenette's fault. 

    But some wounds are too deep to heal, they may be buried deep down but they could never be forgotten.

" You really thought that I will take you back?"he wasn't taunting, it was just a question because he couldn't understand why the raven haired boy was still adamant on believing that they have chances left after how much they hurt each other. 

   And he couldn't even understand how the boy is ready to forgive him so easily even after the pain that he has gone through. 

    Okay, maybe Tae didn't hurt him intentionally, then Jungkook was also the same. Because it was not his aim to hurt the older boy when he let those words slip out. And he wasn't trying to hurt him all the time he walked away.

" I really thought", Tae smiled faintly. " That we had something true..which is going to last..", he shakes his head. " But I was wrong.."

" Tae..I told you",the ravenette raised his voice. " I was just sad..but you know that I love you. Right?" 

Tae chuckled sadly. " That still didn't give you the right to say those hurting words to me.."

" Tae.. please", the boy was not ready to give up. " Don't do this to me.."

" No, Jungkook...", The brunette stepped back. " Nothing makes sense anymore. The only thing I know is that I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. Neither you nor your hyungs..no one tried to know my part of the story. They did the easiest thing. They believed what they saw and what they heard. And the part that we have been friends for such a long period of time, nothing counted. Right? Nothing was enough for you all to question what you saw..."

Jungkook shakes his head. " Tae.. don't.."

But the brunette was determined not to get swayed anymore. " That's the only thing I can do, Jungkook.." He said, before he moved away from the boy. " Don't push me for more.." he said before he finally walked past him and the ravenette didn't try to stop him this time.

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