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    He stirred in his position, trying to get comfortable but it was difficult to move with the arm wrapped around his torso securely.

   He squirmed in the tight hold, now lying on his side facing the ravenette who was fast asleep without even bothered by the movements of the other.

   Tae watched the ravenette silently, his eyes lingering on the peaceful demeanor of the boy. 

    The ravenette was sleeping with no care in the world as if he has nothing to bother him anymore and it was the exact opposite of the older one who was unable to find sleep because of his restless mind, and he could feel the anxieties rising up how much he tried to convince himself that everything is okay.

   Tae was scared of being left behind again, that's the main reason why he was trying to push away the younger.

     Because what would happen if Jungkook fell out of love with him? What will he do? What if Jungkook got tired of him one day, because it's not the real him the ravenette used to love?

    He was scared, no, horrified of all the things that may happen to their love later. He really wants to ignore all these unwanted thoughts and focus on their present. 

   But being born in a house where he was never accepted and practically neglected all his life, he was honestly scared to believe that this love that the ravenette has for him is real.

    He doesn't really believe that he deserves all the affection that he's getting from him.


  Speculations and fears which are baseless was what made him take a step back even when he knew that the ravenette was trying to reach out. It was what scared him away, and hid in a fake relationship even when he knew that Jungkook was lying about not loving him.

   But what can he do? He was scared and restless of what the future may have in store for him.

Tears welled up in his eyes and he let them flow. " What am I doing like this?" he mumbled softly before he looked back at the other.

    It's true that he has abandoned his plans for the future at the last minute only to run back to the ravenette. But that doesn't mean that he's completely at ease and is ready to forgive and forget like Jungkook wants.

   Honestly he couldn't understand what was happening with him. Why didn't he leave as per the plan? Why did he run back to this boy again?

   He has no idea about what deep connection they have which is making it difficult for him to stay away from the younger. 

   But he was quick to ward off the invading thoughts, trying to replace them with the times they spent together before the chaos broke out.

    Of course there are times when he was hurt and broken by everything that has been happening around him which had made him stay away from Jungkook but that doesn't mean he's going to let those incidents decide their destiny. 

    He's not going to recall those days to cry over them again or look at his precious lover with only skepticism trying to blur all the good that was there from the beginning.

   Of course, they have started on a wrong foot as soon as the truth of their feelings were outed, but that doesn't mean they are going to give up. So instead of letting that past judge and dictate their present, he's going to learn from the mistakes and try his best to work this out.

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