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" Where were you yesterday, Yoongi?" Jin queries as he turns to the said boy. " It's been two days since you have been away!"

Yoongi sighed, pulling the lunch tray closer as he pushed one towards Jimin who immediately passed him a sweet smile.

" We have a match coming up and I was with the coach to shortlist the candidates for the team!"

Hoseok shakes his head, a skeptical look on his face.

" I saw Haejoon yesterday during the lunch hour at the cafeteria. He's the wise captain. Yet he doesn't have to attend these meetings which you are mentioning?"

Jimin frowned instantly, an annoyed expression displaying in his face while Tae just let out a sigh. But the rest didn't pay much attention to the sudden shift in the soulmates.

Yoongi just sighed. " He forgot about the meeting and he has got enough from the coach for it!"

" And thanks to his carelessness, we are having another meeting in the evening today!"he added with a shrug of shoulders.

Others just nodded their heads feeling sorry for the boy, but not everyone had the same opinion about it.

" Are you sure that is the case?" It was Jimin who spoke up, a distasteful expression plastered on his face.

" I have heard people telling stories which are nothing like your own!"

All except Tae have confusion visible in their faces while Tae let out a sigh in exasperation.

Oh god! Why now?

He was already too tired to get involved in another drama that's about to unfold in front of him.

As expected, that question got Yoongi riled up.

" What are you suggesting, Jimin? Are you suggesting that I'm cooking up lies now?" Yoongi asked, his voice laced with annoyance.

" How much time have I told you to not listen to those stupid people?"

Jimin just scoffed, looking away and when he turned back to his boyfriend the other was looking at him with a piercing gaze.

Jimin scoffed again. " What?" he raised a brow. " You want to choke me now?"

Yoongi didn't say anything but just let out a long sigh having nothing more to say now. He was honestly tired of repeating the same thing again and again.

He leaned back on his chair, heaving out another sigh, already losing his appetite.

" Why? Do you want to?" Jimin is at it again, not letting it go.

" Why are you asking him to choke you? Is it a kink?" Tae asked him, seeming to be genuinely confused.

Yoongi gave him a stern gaze while Jin choked on his drink. Namjoon immediately went to pat on his back trying to calm him only after sending a glare at Tae who was now looking at Jin concerned.

Meanwhile Jimin turned to Tae unimpressed.

" Tae, you can't just say things like that", he warned with a flustered face, all the traces of his earlier irritation already disappeared.

While Tae remained silent the rest were staring at him as if he had grown two horns. Even Jin, who had already managed to catch his breath was staring at him with wide eyes.

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